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Monster Sharon versus UltraPalestinian (cartoon by Latuff)

Latuff | 08.03.2002 02:20

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle for independence.

Monster Sharon versus UltraPalestinian (cartoon by Latuff)
Monster Sharon versus UltraPalestinian (cartoon by Latuff)

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end of war is near

08.03.2002 07:24

What type of loyalty and patriotism forces our loved ones into the insecurity, chaos and violence of war as a means of achieving a healthy existence? Peace is available as an alternative to war. If humans exist in peace, it is only because individuals have chosen to take that course of existence.

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08.03.2002 07:58

Why is it that after the west's decision to put the isralei's into the palestinian territories post world war 2, that we then seem to take no responsibility for the ensuing conflict which has escalated over the years? High time I feel, for countries like mine (uk) and the States, and France, to accept responsibility and effect a change which is mutually acceptable to all parties involved. And let's try and stop labelling the palestinians as terrorists, after all they see this as a valid war and should be treated with no less respect that the isralei nation who could also be considered terrorists but with more fire-power. End of rant.....

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Deja Vu

08.03.2002 11:00

Why has Dutch Moon posted the same comment on the past two articles I have looked at?

David C

4 Kids

08.03.2002 17:59

Latuff looks to much trashtv it seems. And on this level is his world view. Sharon= Lord Vader, Palestinian = Jedis.


issue of anti-semitism

08.03.2002 18:50

i think the issue of anti semitism has gone on too long and its tearing apart indymedia as seen already. racism occurs not always because someone is racist but because of the society being an unequal one. the attack of latuff on the israeli state is supposed to represent the oppressed palestinian people. the reason that people have responded to that is not because there is favouritism towards jews but simply because jews have themselves been oppressed and not in the position that the israeli state is in ( position to oppress others).
its clear that latuff is not anti semitic and that those accusing latuff of being so are not favoured towards jews. i think people should just accept latuff's cartoons as they are and latuff should try and respect that jews are also persecuted around the world and should concentrate his attention against the israeli state rather than jews. it may sound idealistc but anyone else got a better solution?

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