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Open Media Centre in Barcelona's UEbcn2002 mobilisations, 13-17 March

UEbcn2002 | 07.03.2002 21:55

We will have and open media center in Barcelona from the 13th to 17th during the mobilisations against the EU-Summit at:

Espai Obert
C/ blasco de garay, 2
barcelona - [Metro L3 poble sec]
tel: 0034 - 93 44 304 69

It will NOT be an Indymedia center only. There will be other groups doing media work too. In our first meeting we decided that the media center will have a very open caracter. We will prepare "cards" that we will give to all the people they want to work there. These cards will not be an 'official' identification for indymedia-people, and we will NOT make Indymedia presscards.

There will be different teams such as:

Dispatching team and Video team.
Audio and Print teams still don't exist so if you whant to do something in these mediums - please come and do so :)

Local groups which are not part of the Indymedia network:

There is a local group making a dayly newspaper.
There are some local radiostations that will cover the events.

What we have:
A big, nice room whit tables. Internet connection with a local net. At present time we only have 7 computers - which is realy very little. We are trying to get more here but it will be very important that people coming to Barcelona with the intention to work on media stuff bring their computers whit them.

What we need:
YOU!!! and all the stuff you can bring such as:
computers, monitors, cameras, minidiscs, hubs, cables, ...
What we definitly NOT have at this moment is a computer big and fast enough to edit video - so if someone could bring one it would be perfect!!!

All in all there is still a lot to do and everybody is wellcome :)

see you in Barcelona!


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