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organised response to planned government propaganda

Peter | 07.03.2002 16:10

The British government is apparantly preparing a dossier on Iraq's terrorist links and attempts to produce weapons of mass destruction.

In the build up to the War in Afghanistan the British government released a report which claimed to be evidence that justified the military campaign. Although the report contained very little evidence of any kind at all, its mere existence was enough to convince large sections of the British public that their government was actually acting justly, even though evidence to the countrary was readily available.

It now appears that the British government is already working on a similar initiative to be used in the build up to a possible war against Iraq. This dossier on Iraq's terrorist links will most likely be issued before any military action (or escalation of existing military action) takes place.

Once again the vast majority of the public will not read this document, though many will hear of its existence and many will assume that its arguments are watertight even without reading it.

What has anyone else heard about the development of this dossier?

When is it likely to be released?

Wouldn't it be a rather good idea if a group of those of us who have followed the arguments over Iraq and who have come to the conclusion that military action is not in the interests of the Iraqi people or the world as a whole, got together and developed a critical analysis of this dossier and the arguments that are contained within it?

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It is happenign allready

08.03.2002 12:44

Don't know anything about the dossier, but just by following the good ol' BBC you get the picture.

Former UN weapons inspectors have gauged the Iraqi military capability as close to zero (see the pilger documentary on sanctions in Iraq), but still US and its subsidiaries say that it 'poses a major threat'.

Interesting thing that I saw in BBC 24 yesterday (7th March). Apparently Iraq is turning food aid trucks into mobile missile launchers. Though it is hard to say if this is true or not, it certainly seem as a planted story: Iraq is building up, they are dangerous etc, they even use food aid trucks. Everything is part of demonising Iraq once again. Not one sentence on the war that is allready going on there, and indeed never even stopped since Desert Storm.

The same is happening in Aghanistan. There Taliban soldiers, or warlord henchmen that does not support the US puppet, are labelled as al-Qaida terrorists. All designed to make it easier for the public to accept the heavy casualties of Afghans.

Basically, what this war is doing is both good and bad. the increased propaganda makes it more difficult to gain support for the peace movement (as we're all appeasers and Taliban lovers). But luckily, after a while it becomes easier to see through their shit pouring out of every bloody corporate outlet. It is like in the Matrix when Neo dies and resurrects. He can now see the binary code that is the Matrix - i.e. it is all a bloody hoax.

Hence, if we can use alternative sources to provide 'our' take on the war people will be exposed to the differences in the stories told, and hopefully view the corporate media with more skepticism (though it might turn the other way - just ignoring us...)

Midnight Moron