Kate | 05.03.2002 22:40
On Friday March 8th at 12.30 pm disabled campaigners will hold a rally and advice session outside Hackney Town Hall in protest at the Freedom Pass cuts imposed by Hackney Council.
On Friday March 8th at 12.30 pm disabled campaigners will hold a rally and advice session outside Hackney Town Hall in protest at the Freedom Pass cuts imposed by Hackney Council. The Freedom Pass, which should provide free travel on bus, train and tube in London for pensioners and those with disabilities, was recently cut for disabled people by Hackney Council.
March 15th is the imposed deadline for Hackney's Freedom Pass renewal applications. At the rally there will be an open megaphone and encouragement for disabled people - who face refusals of their pass applications - to appeal. So far 1,500 disabled people in Hackney have lost the Freedom Pass on renewal due to new so-called "rules" which require claimants to be in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) higher rate for mobility or provide a medical consultant's report. Previously a GP's letter sufficed. Consultants at the local Homerton Hospital and St Barts will not be able to provide reports due to pressure of work and many people do not fit the criteria for DLA which is restricted to those "virtually unable to walk". This Catch 22, no DLA, no Freedom Pass, leaves some of the poorest people in the borough isolated, poorer and literally stranded.
A public meeting held last week to discuss the cuts to the Freedom Pass attracted more than 120 angry people with impairments such as grand mal epilepsy, serious lung disease, learning disabilities and spine disorders. Days later, in a letter to the Hackney Gazette, New Labour Councillor Fran Pearson accused campaigners of frightening disabled people. She defended the cuts, implying that some Freedom Pass applicants were fraudulent, the usual tactic of scapegoating vulnerable people whilst removing their rights. In reality the Council are desperate to make cuts worth £13 million because of Hackney's financial crisis. There are more disability cuts planned such as restricting home care visits to half an hour and no longer paying telephone rental for isolated elderly residents.
The action is in solidarity with a global Women's Strike taking place on the same day organised by the International Wages for HouseWork Campaign which demands investment in Life and Welfare instead of military budgets and resources including free, accessible transport world wide for everyone. At a recent conference "Unite" where trade unionists, church leaders and grassroots campaigners met to plan a fight back against all the cuts, public service union Unison pledged support for the Freedom Pass Campaign.
We hope that social workers and others will join us in their lunch break on the day in an expression of unity. The fight for the Freedom Pass has captured the imagination of people borough wide. Together we can win freedom.
Contact Defend the Disabled People's Freedom Pass Campaign at Disability Hackney 0207 79231962
Press Contacts: Kate Adams 01227 276159, Richard Peacock 0208986 0762 mobile 07985390704
For background information, please visit the website:- www.angelfire.com/folk/hackneyfreedom
On Friday March 8th at 12.30 pm disabled campaigners will hold a rally and advice session outside Hackney Town Hall in protest at the Freedom Pass cuts imposed by Hackney Council. The Freedom Pass, which should provide free travel on bus, train and tube in London for pensioners and those with disabilities, was recently cut for disabled people by Hackney Council.
March 15th is the imposed deadline for Hackney's Freedom Pass renewal applications. At the rally there will be an open megaphone and encouragement for disabled people - who face refusals of their pass applications - to appeal. So far 1,500 disabled people in Hackney have lost the Freedom Pass on renewal due to new so-called "rules" which require claimants to be in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) higher rate for mobility or provide a medical consultant's report. Previously a GP's letter sufficed. Consultants at the local Homerton Hospital and St Barts will not be able to provide reports due to pressure of work and many people do not fit the criteria for DLA which is restricted to those "virtually unable to walk". This Catch 22, no DLA, no Freedom Pass, leaves some of the poorest people in the borough isolated, poorer and literally stranded.
A public meeting held last week to discuss the cuts to the Freedom Pass attracted more than 120 angry people with impairments such as grand mal epilepsy, serious lung disease, learning disabilities and spine disorders. Days later, in a letter to the Hackney Gazette, New Labour Councillor Fran Pearson accused campaigners of frightening disabled people. She defended the cuts, implying that some Freedom Pass applicants were fraudulent, the usual tactic of scapegoating vulnerable people whilst removing their rights. In reality the Council are desperate to make cuts worth £13 million because of Hackney's financial crisis. There are more disability cuts planned such as restricting home care visits to half an hour and no longer paying telephone rental for isolated elderly residents.
The action is in solidarity with a global Women's Strike taking place on the same day organised by the International Wages for HouseWork Campaign which demands investment in Life and Welfare instead of military budgets and resources including free, accessible transport world wide for everyone. At a recent conference "Unite" where trade unionists, church leaders and grassroots campaigners met to plan a fight back against all the cuts, public service union Unison pledged support for the Freedom Pass Campaign.
We hope that social workers and others will join us in their lunch break on the day in an expression of unity. The fight for the Freedom Pass has captured the imagination of people borough wide. Together we can win freedom.
Contact Defend the Disabled People's Freedom Pass Campaign at Disability Hackney 0207 79231962
Press Contacts: Kate Adams 01227 276159, Richard Peacock 0208986 0762 mobile 07985390704
For background information, please visit the website:- www.angelfire.com/folk/hackneyfreedom