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ANDY HAORE | 05.03.2002 12:17

For a long while, Webby has been the target of Labour Party-instigated, malign, mischief-making.He has been misquoted by them more times than Shakespeare.
The local, leading lights of the Labour Party have tried to get this web-site closed down but that proved to be unsuccessful.


For a long while, Webby has been the target of Labour Party-instigated, malign, mischief-making.

He has been misquoted by them more times than Shakespeare. The local, leading lights of the Labour Party have tried to get this web-site closed down but that proved to be unsuccessful.

Then some malicious, mischievous people sent him viruses in a vain attempt to sabotage the Northampton St Crispin web-site.

And all the while, the local Labour hierarchy refused to reply to the many e-mails and phone messages that this web-site sent them.

So what a surprise when, through third parties, in the run-up to the local Labour Group elections on Northampton Borough Council, Labour councillors are suddenly requesting favours from Webby!!

Ok, lets see:-

Cllr Foot - we are advised that you want something 'nice' said about you. We've given this a lot of thought and can definitely say, "You have a nice car and lovely hair".

Cllr John Dickie - we are advised that you want it to be spread that people are asking you to stand for the Leadership. So, here goes - "People are asking Cllr John Dickie to stand for Leader".

There's more to tell but it will get you Labour councillors too excited if we tell it all at once.

Everyone knows that the Labour Party is no longer the party of Socialist ideals. Indeed, it has no ideals whatsoever in our opinion. But unseemly, unabashed, unashamed, desperate scrambling and conniving to cling onto what you think is Power and Status confirms most of you to be precisely what the people of Northampton are saying you are.

Webby knows you'll keep visiting the site - so more might be revealed after the Labour Group elections.

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05.03.2002 15:08

Are Northampton Borough Council still in the Dark Ages,this is the 21st century,where people do have a say in what goes on.Not they are told what is going on like years ago, you
Dare Not question local authority.Now it is people power,I mean people now have a say and are telling local government what they want not what they will get,if it doesnot cost money or you will have to wait.NO CHANCE.It is now or never.

Chris Stannard

Chris Stannard
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