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speak out against this shit

shugmcc | 03.03.2002 16:30

history has shown usmany times,
when our ruling elites go to war(or rather send us to do the dying)this is used as a smoke screen for taking back hard won rights at home.........

speak out against this shit
speak out against this shit



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03.03.2002 17:38

Sorry, but if you want to be taken seriously, you're going to have to spell correctly.

'Speach' is spelled 'Speech'. 'Wittled' is not a word.


I'm not the only one

03.03.2002 18:32

What type of loyalty and patriotism forces our loved ones into the insecurity, chaos and violence of war as a means of achieving a healthy existence? Peace is available as an alternative to war. If humans exist in peace, it is only because individuals have chosen to take that course of existence. We all have an interest in maintaining a healthy future no matter what team we are a part of. We all have an interest in peace. True loyalty and patriotism would never support the means of war within a community of life. Peace is an alternative to war and destruction.

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Give it a rest

03.03.2002 20:36

Spellingb, what sort of cunt are you? Just because the spelling is wrong, it doesn't take away the meaning of what is said now, does it??? Try looking up 'whittled', and use your fucking brain.


reply to spelling b

03.03.2002 22:05

sorry i aint up to your academic level pal,
if i had know i needed o, levels to add my wee bit to the struggle against an unjust system..mabye id have just gave into it ,and became very critical and very clever like you. you have your education ,my education is very diffrent from yours, my education/understanding of this system is from the business end no doubt with your pompus attitude you ouldnt last 2 mins in prison.
So whats a few spelling mistakes any how,
are you the language police?


Reply to shug

03.03.2002 23:03

No offence intended mate. I admire your artwork and motivation. I only suggested the corrections because I thought that (some) people would be more less likely to take your art - or the message behind the art - seriously if there were spelling mistakes in them.

Keep up the good work.


re spelling

04.03.2002 03:41

we only define spelling though use of a dictanary.
a dictionary is a retrospective record of popular meening and spellings and is thirfor out of date. it may be conciderd by the powers that be that 'speach' is a common spelling for 'speech' and is thirfor corect and will be enterd in to the next edition, whitch will show that the 'speach' is in fact a corcet spelling for the time period..

so to all you acidemicz ask your self is writing visual comunication? if so then it is art. and can art have a wrong or rite?
