"Prostitutes to vote to join union"
Ben | 02.03.2002 12:15
Hey has anyone seen this on BBC website - "Prostitutes to vote to join union."
Apparently the GMB is happy for them to join but can you actually imagine some of the stuffy old trade unionists actually speaking out for their rights?
Apparently the GMB is happy for them to join but can you actually imagine some of the stuffy old trade unionists actually speaking out for their rights?
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yet again...
02.03.2002 13:13
this undoubtedly good news should really have appeared here before it leaked out onto local tv roundups yesterday, giving the broadcasters a chance to miss the seriousness of the matter and present it as a bit of a giggle.
it seems certain that this camapign group attended some of the actions in hackney last year, and must therefore be aware of the IMC, so the mystery is why they didnt post their own report, making this is a carbon copy of the greenpeace example last week.
yes, its a puzzle.
a true trotskyist