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Safety at Demonstrations

devana | 02.03.2002 12:07

demo logic

Can anyone recommend a good source of tips and things we should know about rights and the law before going to a demo?



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you can find useful info here...

02.03.2002 13:32

and all relevant links. ....more you know, less chances "they" have to do what they want....


dont rely on the law too much !

02.03.2002 13:36

remember the scene from 'clockwork orange' (kubrick & burgess) where our misguided anti-hero objects to being beaten up by the police, yelling 'i know the law', to which they reply, 'theres more to the law than just knowing it, sonny...'

have the name of a good solicitor, obviously;

keep your wits about you in general;

take a street map on the day; visit the area in advance if possible; keep looking behind you on the day;

take a normal radio tuned to local news;

take a hard hat of some kind; any will do, but those for builders, cricketers, cyclists etc are fine.

dont go alone if you can help it;

watch out for the idiots of the SWP; they dont care about anything except their false-marxist party;

watch out for provocateurs, reactionary members of the public, and nutcases (as opposed to serious organised people with a definite goal which you may not share).

dont get pissed or stoned; itll affect your judgement

take a camera by all means, you might get a great snap or gather useful evidence but NOT your best rollei or digital wonder. if the police dont attack it, some demonstrator might. old 35mm SLR s can be picked up for £10 if you shop around.

read victor serge's masterpiece 'what everyone should know about state oppression'. the above advice is given in his spirit.

a true trotskyist


02.03.2002 13:37

