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A great alternative news source

bill stevens | 01.03.2002 06:33

I think this site is what we need to use as a tool to educate others

I think this is one of the better sites involved in the fight against the nwo

bill stevens
- Homepage:


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Churchy bullshit

01.03.2002 07:48

You can keep that christian bullshit to yourselves, thanks.
Don't get me wrong, JC was one of the best revolutionaries ever born, and led a life fairly comparable to someone like Che Guevara (but without the violence, so maybe more like Ghandi), but you can take all modern religion and fucking destroy it. It is just another dominating system which seeks to enslave our fellow man.


Reactionary racist bullshit

01.03.2002 09:42

Not just religous crap, but full of racism anti-semitism and general reactionary nonsense. Crush the Christian Fundamentalists.


New????? World Order

01.03.2002 12:32

This New World Order thing has always puzzled me
- It runs I think like this "There is a shadowy Cabal of rich and powerful people who plan to seize power away from the democratically elected officals and make us there unwitting slaves" (Oh and I nearly forgot - tell Americans that they arnt allowed guns anymore (and when you see how responsible some Americans are with their guns I think they might have a good point here :-) ))

Now stop me if Im wrong but we already have something that does that Capitalism - a few rich and powerful people (Rupert Murdock for one) control what info we receive, have bought our democratically elected officials (ie Bush is owned by the oil companys, Blair can be hired (to write letters and do general administrative work) for just £125,000 etc etc)
and they have made us their unwitting slaves by debt - whole countries are enslaved by the IMF and WTO depts and on an indivdual level - we each have overdrafts / credit cards / student loans / Mortgages and we cant stop working as we have to service our debt. (so effectively we are slaves who have the option to change where we work)

The other branch of the NWO theory is that it is a specific racial type (normally the Jews) who are going to do this to the rest of us.
Well I have said this before and I will say it as many times as I need to
- There are bastards in every race, religion, country no one has a monopoly on being nasty. The group that is the problem is defined by one outstanding characteristic GREED the type of person that will happly sack several thousand people (and thus ruin their lives - at least for a while) to increase their money from 52 to 53 million.

Look being racist is pathetic, being racist through conspiricy theorys is just as pathetic.
