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Starting the Propaganda War

Bennett | 28.02.2002 15:58

The need for materials grows ever stronger to combat the ignorance about Anarchy. Which needs to get onto the streets and into people Volcabolary

Darlington & Stockton Times.
January 25, 2002
Council leader's GM reply angers action group.

Activists in the county have passed a vote of no confidence in the government's continuing policy of supporting genetically modified crop trials. Members of the action group, Durham Resistance, have handed a 1,000-signiture petition to Durham County council Leader, Coun ken manton, requesting a county- wide- referendum . They believe the continuation, or any fresh application, of the trials would be a disaster for farming and food policy.

Resistance member Mr Carl Bennett, who stood as Green Party Candidate in the Bishop Auckland Constituency in last Junes general election, said the petition had been passed to councillor Manton, who had replied that the council dealt only in public services. " He has forwarded the petition to the appropriate body," said Mr Bennett, "but we feel he is just passing the buck. If politicians are merely going to hand things over to civil servants, why do we elect them in the first place ?"

The activist's response to coun Manton`s letter was one of defiance and outrage at what they saw as the politics of non-responsibility, he said " When authorities hold their own voters in such contempt in favour of biotech corporate greed, violent reaction becomes more possible," said Mr Bennett, stressing that his own view would be to support civil dis-obedience rather than violent confrontation.

### end

Tinkering with the system does not work, but many of us are left with just doing that because of a basic assumption that Anarchism = Nihilism. Even to describe a group as anarchist gets translated to action group where putting pressure on the system is media restrained for the benefit of liberal sensitivity. Anarchism needs a program of education.

Starting The Propaganda War.
" Agitate+Aggravate+Educate+Organise "

Anti-copyright leaflets, posters and pamphlets at :

Better still is there not one person out there in the UK able to set up a site dedicated just to one aim. The promotion of material ( all anti-copyright ) for the use of all groups.

- e-mail:


Hide the following 3 comments

Anarchy in the U.K

28.02.2002 21:45

This page is well used and a good resource...and it's UK based.


Modest proposal........

28.02.2002 22:53

Perhaps if you wish to change peoples minds it might be better to concentrate on getting ideas across and acting in a way which matches them......rather than trying to "sell" a shopworn and misunderstood IDEOLOGY. Just a thought.

Will Scarlet

Reality Check

01.03.2002 20:48

Thanks HK, couple of good sites not been to yet. But no site that has available material preformatted for publication, especially for UK use.
New to the Site I am wondering what Will scarlet is selling.
The reality check is how far do you comprimise before you become part of what you despise.
By the way,worked in the community. reality check here is people are caged and are scared to move in a different direction other than what there leaders prescribe.
