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UK Left expose themselves as fad-rebel wankers

Flaco | 27.02.2002 14:33

As the smoke clears, Britain's organised and liberal left expose themselves as the fad-rebel wankers we always knew they were.

Three weeks ago New York City got to host the World Economic Forum. As a 'tribute to the victims of September 11th', Manhattan taxpayers got to indulge a bunch of tobacco, oil and airline magnates, and a wannabe-planetary-cabinet of shady statesmen. Collectively, these people are responsible for an infinitely greater number of deaths and shattered lives than the combined kill-rate of every Arab who ever strapped on C4 corset.

The WEF - think Bilderberg group with Bono in tow - is yet another (yawn) boys-club of capitalism's shot-callers. Cue Troy McClure: "You may remember us from such classics as Davos, and Melbourne's (later upstaged) own S11 (2000) street fight..." Anyway - it was their antics that sparked the alternative World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil (another nice idea quickly colonised by red flag hierarchies), and twice yearly mass protests from across the anti-capitalist spectrum. But not this time.

Patriot Act and Bush-whack rhetoric aside, it's fairly predictable that the lefty-millionaires Sierra Club should bottle out of confrontation with the power brokers in the post-S11 city of tears. No real surprise either that the AFL-CIO unions and the host of 'Global Justice' NGOs of every shade of red and green balked at the idea of ruffling the feathers of New York's finest. As the city's press, on both the left and the right, cranked up the spectre of an "al Quaeda like black bloc" (Village Voice) massing like "barbarians at the castle gates" (Newsweek). A string of Direct Action Movement 'faces' lined up to distance themselves from anyone whose agenda aimed for anything greater than a moratorium on badger baiting. "Vandalism is inexcusable," lamented John Sellers, the caribina king of the ludicrously-bankrolled Ruckus Society. Needless to say, the reporting (in an almost blanket fashion) concentrated on the differences in tactics between the anarchists and the liberals. No space was given to the gaping ideological chasm between the RaisetheFist militia on Fifth Avenue, and the 'raise the Tobin tax' lobbyists munching vol-au-vents with the delegates in the Waldorf Astoria foyer.

In the event, a few thousand anarchists and assorted revolutionary types took to the streets and, amidst an outpouring of sympathy, the 'poor darlings' of the NYPD dutifully kicked the shit out of them and threw a couple of hundred in jail.

The events in New York merely illustrate how the organised left (in the UK as elsewhere) has used September 11 to re-position itself in an, at best, more compliant, and at worst, more authoritarian stance.

Liberal Britain has been split between the trembling lips and disappearing tails of those who are content to wrap themselves in a tear-stained stars and stripes and vanish up Uncle Sam's arse, and those who have (at last) been freed to brandish their handcuffs and lay down their own blueprints for a capitalist super-state. Either way, Britain's left-wing have finally exposed themselves as the fad-rebel tosspots we always knew they were.

"Standing protesting outside Gap is a strange thing to do when civilians are being killed in Afghanistan," Globalise Resistance's Guy Taylor tells a fawning Andy Beckett (Guardian G2, Jan 17 'Has the Left Lost Its Way'). The implication being that before September 11 - before perceived public support for resistance to world dictatorship evaporated in an explosion of dust, glass and cello music - it was perfectly natural to be protesting outside Gap as civilians endured a blitzkrieg of Allied firepower in Palestine, Indonesia, Columbia and Iraq. Beckett goes on to quote a stream of liberal left-wing tossers who's politics were so well-founded that they'd managed to pull off complete ideological U-turns after a only couple of weeks of heart-tugging ('poor old America') Newsak.

'Formerly hardcore left-wingers' were apparently getting all gooey over Tony Blair's Montgomery makeover. The Ecologist ran a debate titled: 'Is the anti-corporate globalisation movement a finished force in the post-11 September world?' Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore was just one of those, converted by the smell of cordite, giving it the: "I was wrong to oppose the bombing," line as the Taliban fled Kabul - as if the women of city had thrown their oppressors out themselves, and were not about to become the latest subjects of a US-manufactured puppet state.

As a rule, the anti war movement in Britain has been reluctant to confront the illegitimacy of the warring authority. Though opposed to the bombing, most silently-accept a 'first world'/US orchestrated 'solution' to Afghanistan: namely the Western annexation of Central Asia.

To be fair, this reactionary slide had begun well before the World Trade Centre attack. The SWP (perhaps after finally accepting the absence of 'workers' in its ranks) had already switched its' preferred handle to 'Globalise Resistance'. Having left it a little late to fasten their name to the anti-capitalist upsurge of 1999 (as they had done with the Poll Tax, CJA etc), they wasted no time ramming branded anti-war placards into the hands of pacifist old ladies and fearful Muslims as Blair strapped on his flak jacket. No sooner had the first F-16s scrambled and Globalise Resistance was morphing again - this time into the Stop the War Coalition.

Anti-capitalism (a phrase that was itself adopted by liberal left-wingers trying to avoid any pro-revolutionary tags), has been dropped altogether by the left in favour of "movement for globalisation with justice". You may laugh, but the underlying thought processes behind this repositioning are a little more sinister.

One leading voice of the liberal left is the New Internationalist magazine. Their January/February issue was subtitled 'Another World is Possible'. The introduction promised "visions" of "many diverse pathways into a better, fairer world". The reality merely reinforced what Orwell pointed out over sixty years ago; that the organised left's version of 'democracy' is little different from the right's, and despite the tags, they have no intention of doing away with the constraints of capitalism - and would merely replace the domination of private capital with that of state capital. Or to bring that observation up to date 'a (neo)liberally-distributed amalgamation of the two'. Global PPPs anyone?

The 'visions' put forward by the NI's gathered worthies are 'diverse' in the same way the aims of the navy are 'diverse' from those of the air force. Every proposal in the magazine is legislative and authoritarian. According to the writers, elected bodies could be re-jigged, governing institutions formed, legislation passed and treaties re-written. The lack of aspiration is depressing... unless, of course, you're setting yourself up for a seat in 'the world parliament'.

The World Parliament is Lord Monbiot's offering. Another spin on electoral 'representative' democracy peddled with all the fervour of a Republican governor. Completely disregarding the lessons of history, where electoral democracy has failed to either represent or serve the people (other than those 'elected' and their chums), Monbiot taunts would-be detractors with: "Power exists whether we like it or not... so we might as well democratise it". You can't dis-invent the Bomb - eh!

As if a host of similar statist adventures (every election anytime/anywhere, the policy reversal of all elected bodies - e.g. the German Greens, the failure of Kyoto, the carbon trading style legislative loop-holing that followed, Nato - and it's complete disregard for law/anybody else, the failure of; the UN; the EU; every other power-invested institution to address anything other than its own pay checks ...and so on) hadn't all resulted in those in power completely fucking over everyone else, Monbiot goes on to outline his global hegemony leading the rest of us skipping to milk and honey-dom. He never mentions, however, if two wolves and a sheep would doing the catering...

Joining Monbiot in the NI is Jim Shultz ('executive director of The Democracy Centre'), who uses the genuinely inspiring example of the Cochabamba people's ejection of the Bechtel water company from Bolivia, to 'envision' - not for people everywhere to rise up against their usurpers, not for the global rejection of economic dictatorship, not even for the ditching of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement and all similarly oppressive international trade treaties, but (wait for it) a 'bill of rights' to ensure the FTAA does not overrule regional laws. Go Jim. Go...!

Maybe we should be grateful that the left has come clean - shaken off their Seattle rain capes and returned to bickering about vote counts and electoral funding. For some time, the rhetoric of the leading left wing/environmentalist NGO's has been almost indistinguishable from that of the World Bank's... - though admittedly, this revealed precious little about either faction's agenda

But, the question remains - how wide is the influence of the organised left and their liberal overlord companions - and how substantially are they capable of stemming the rising revolutionary tide anyway?

There are those who hope they are well capable; the bods from the FBI who spent half of last month dismantling LA's with the site's founder, Sherman, locked in the basement; the EU's Working Party on Terrorism who are right now in Spain, drafting a document on intelligence sharing about political activists in order to stamp out "violent urban youthful radicalism"; the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) and the half dozen US state and private sector bodies it initiated under the National Security Council and Department of Defence (to name but two) to combat 'hacktivism' and 'cyberterror!'; the Swedish authorities who have just rejected the appeals of eight activists, each serving between 3-4 years, for using SMS messages to stop their mates getting hammered by police at the EU summit in Gothenburg last year; every boss, landlord and New Labour voter; every shareholder, whip-cracker and charity director, (insert your own 'come the revolution they'll be the first against the wall' list here), and everyone else who, overtly or covertly, revels in the deal capitalism has dealt them.

Back in Porto Alegre, undoubtedly the left's blueprint for a 'world parliament' (in his keynote address Chomsky called it a sketch of the beginnings of a 21st Century International), the predictable has happened. Two years in, and the 2002 Forum is already playing host to corporate lobbyists, media clowns and WEF delegates ("jumping ship from NYC"). Naomi Klein (one of the 10,000 invited 'delegates') describes the WSF as at risk from "turning from a clear alternative into a messy merger" with their New York antithesis.

In protest to what Znet's James Adams calls "left-wing corporatism", 600 attendees of the alternative Jornadas Anarquistas - Anarchist Journeys - (some of the 50,000 'excluded' internationals who had travelled to Porto Alegre to unite and discuss outside the 'conference centres') "broke off from the opening march and occupied a three story house, building barricades in the streets, in order to emphasize that, as one IMC (Independent Media Centre) poster put it, 'Porto Alegre isn't the social democratic paradise that the PT (Brazilian Workers Party) makes it out to be.'" (The PT control the municipal government and view the WSF as a party conference - draping the town in their flags, propaganda and party faithful.) Needless to say: " Local police, under the command of the PT, and dressed in full riot gear, surrounded the house immediately, nearly running over one squatter at a particularly high point of tension." Familiar?

However - despite the fifth International looking set to follow the first into a dog-pit of flying fur and shattered dreams, perhaps things are not so bleak. The 50,000 who gathered outside the auspices of the WSF in Porto Alegre, and the two thousand that took on the WEF in New York - plus the tens of millions who have already learnt the hard way that genuine, direct, democracy will never follow a recount, a rebrand or any amount of reform - do not look like they are about to jack-in the revolution because Washington's 'busted' the safety catch off its' Winchester.

Undoubtedly the atmosphere of resistance has changed. But, just because the warmongers were quicker to colonise the airwaves, it doesn't follow that they win the (global) war. By shirking off that protest-chic, the reformist-statist-liberal-left has finally brought some clarity to the message they have been concealing from disgruntled 'democrats' for years - namely, that they do not seek the overthrow of illegitimate power, merely its replacement. Now that's clear, we can get on with the fucking revolution!

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Hide the following 15 comments

Islam is not the enemy!

27.02.2002 16:15

Honest! No crap! John Rees told me himself!



27.02.2002 16:19

I gave up reading at:

"Liberal Britain has been split between the trembling lips and disappearing tails of those who are content to wrap themselves in a tear-stained stars and stripes and vanish up Uncle Sam's arse, and those who have (at last) been freed to brandish their handcuffs and lay down their own blueprints for a capitalist super-state."

Jeez, do something about your fucking prose man.


to "Inter-National-Ist"

27.02.2002 17:30

Pretending to be me isn't nice. And are you saying Islam is the enemy?


what a load of bollox

27.02.2002 17:37




27.02.2002 18:31

You said: "two thousand that took on the WEF in New York"

According to someone in GR - wholly despicable people who have nothing of worth to contribute (an attitude which gives the establishment the excuse to conspire to manipulate "divide & rule" shenanigans over anything that remotely resembles a "revolutionary movement" at any time - just when the chance of genuine cross-society solidarity maybe threatening to break out) - said that there were more like 15,000 people there.

Looks like you gulped down the media line here - something you claim to distrust. Just maybe the quotes you used were also complete fabrications.

Don't believe everything you read.


Half term in the Home Counties this week?

27.02.2002 18:38

"everyone else who, overtly or covertly, revels in the deal capitalism has dealt them"

Mmmmm. Anyone remember the scene from The Life of Brian 'What have the Romans ever done for us?"

"we can get on with the fucking revolution!"… and the next day, replace your hated system with what, exactly?

For those of us who are attempting to be enfranchised enough to notice the criminality that is perpetrated daily in our name through our discredited system of democracy, and be determined enough to do something about it, all our best arguments are negated by the fact that this sort of muddled expression of a few otherwise admirable sentiments is what scares the people most likely to be in a position to effect any change.

Attempting to place yourself outside 'the system' as a 'revolutionary' merely reinforces your relationship with it. You remind me of when I was young and stupid. Good luck with your revolution - you'll certainly need it!



Joy of nihilism

27.02.2002 19:25

Ah, the joys of nihilism, so pure, so clean, so unsullied by nasty reality.
Such are the battalions of the evil and imperfect, but never fear, Flacos here, to no doubt liberate us in the way uncle Pol Pot liberated the imperfect "liberal" city dwellers of Cambodia.
I am really sad for you.
Get a life.

Will Scarlet

Bring back 80s ideals

27.02.2002 21:19

P'haps we can all learn a lesson from the 80s here in the UK,when protest meant protest,and after the protest the protest was taken home in the form of squats and squatting cooperatives,printing presses,music etc etc,always organising,always protesting,animal rights,antiwar,stop the citys,the peace camps..every other weekend with hardcore people who really meant it...the late 80s saw fascistic middle class concepts put into action as with greenham common'womens only'peace camps emerge,what a pile of bollox...we started to divide.The late 90s+ saw the upsurge of middle class student'protest'tinged with drug culture from the'merging'with the'hippies'that came with the'new age travellers'and thier half arsed attempt to give a fuck...
Bring back anarchy and new ideas and fun ways of constructive protest(the brick,the can of gloss paint)...or bring total apathy and misguidance ever closer.

Do they owe us a living ?

Of course they fucking do!

English Wanka

...and in a nutshell

27.02.2002 21:33

Students lack the fire of anger and rage which the ''working class''youth(underpriviledged-youth)had in the 1980s...spending your grants to quick and whining cos you can't get pissed anymore just does'nt hold that fire.
What happened to all the individual 'workers for change';) who were busy out stalking the streets at night shutting thier target locations(businesses)down?

cheap lager anyone?...must get my grades,must serve the state in my later years'using my degrees'...barf!


Feel the Burn, radical subject!

28.02.2002 10:58

This is a great article, it puts a lot of criticisms of the 'new liberal-lefty' movement into a nutshell -- not least the on-off-on-bandwaggon elements. I notice that none of the above postings have really engaged with the arguments put forward, instead accusing Flaco of 'nihilism' (a nice meaningless word there) or unwittingly participating in 'divide and rule'. Well we are divided, we are diverse. We have to work out what is useful activity and what is negative and harmful activity. We don't all have the same interests.

This article comes from a solid tradition of positive action, an undercurrent of radical art, film and writing that is largely responsible for what anti-capitalist movement we even have in the UK now. This article is part of a project of building a *radical subjectivity* that confidently states that we have no respect for the institutions of power -- that we are strong, and can do it ourselves. OK, it leaves out the question of who 'we' are -- but let's not pretend that this is an excuse for ignoring the points!

I hope that we are going to have a real debate -- and I hope that at least some of it will be carried out in as witty and inspiring fashion as this article.

Don't reply to what I've said; reply to what Flaco has written.


fucking students (by a student)

28.02.2002 11:51

i don't know whether to be really fucked off that people keephaving a go at today's students or just join in and agree...

i'm a student myself and get really fucked off that not more students stop and consider whats happening in their lives or the world around them...

the fact is the vast majority i can see just think about a) the pub, b) who they pulled last night and c) occasionally their academic work.
but their are huge numbers of students who are really concerned. just at my uni there are a number of societies whose members often work together - the greens, cnd, swp, una, amnesty, palestinian students, islamic students
you can't scoff at the names of these societies because students hae joined the societies that exist at the beginnning of the year but are still learning - just because they're in the student swp doesn't mean they're all wankers, doesn't mean they tow the party line. they're all good people with a vague alignment and we work together to push our views even when we're not in total agreement.
In a generally unpoliticised students union we work for reall debate on the union council but all work independently of it as well...

the major problem for student activism now is often those who care don't have the time - or are unwilling to give up the time to fight back.
for the majority of students they do simply want a good degree so they can get a decent job. so while they believe that free education is a good idea they won't take the time to push a hard campaign to achieve it - because it will affect theit studies.
students have become so conditioned to the idea that they can't change things that they don't bother. i got fucking irate when one of my housemates said the govt is generous in only making us pay 1075 tuition fees! but this is ho students think... what about those from poor backgrounds who are slightly miffed at the idea of a 13,000 debt?

but in the end those who fight fees are often those who oppose the war in afghanistan, who are outraged at the attacks on palestinians, but have so little support that in the end we don't achieve enough of what we believe...

and however much you try and encourage real independent thinking you just get that same blank look

yeah actually i've decided students are dicks


Brilliant article Flaco!

28.02.2002 16:24

Yeah, it's about time that the overbearing patheticness of the Left in general was challenged and critiqued for the worthlessness that they are. The main point, I think from the article is that the liberal left/organised left were never 'serious' about actually stirring up revolt in such a way that would have brought about the complete overthrow of this society, lock, stock and very many smoking barrels. This fits into the growing awareness among many people who advocate the revolutionary overthrow of technoindustrial society. That there must be a decisive break made from the Left, they and the ideologies they promote (whether it is the ‘Socialist State’ or industrial society controlled by ‘Revolutionary Unions/worker self-management’) are extremely detrimental to the chances of revolution. They merely differ from the free marketeers in how they think the megamachine should be run and our lives tied to it. Flaco’s article is part of the growing revolutionary element that see’s through the machinations of the liberal/left and offers us (humanity) a way forward, away from the terrible situation we and the planet are in. If ‘we’ (people who advocate a complete revolution/Anarchists) continue to associate with the dead wait of Leftism then we will continue to be smeared with the same brush. Keep up the discussions and the actions and most importantly ABANDON THE LEFT!

molly maguire

Joy of Nihilism part 2

28.02.2002 20:15

Nihilism n. 1. Negative doctrines, total rejection of current beliefs, in religion or morals; (philos.)scepticism that denies all existence. Oxford Illustrated Dictionary, Second Edition. The definition goes on to say nihilism was the word used to describe a particular revolutionary current in 19th Century Russia. Negative there is a word. Flaco actually makes some interesting points, some of which such as Monbiot's and others implicit authoritarian world federalism I can agree with. We should feel free to criticise all political positions. What I am criticising is a) the self righteous moral tone - everyone is a sellout merchant apart from Flaco and his mates, and b) the impressive level of hatred. We have just exited a century which saw Hitler's Brownshirts, Mussolinis blackshirts, The NKVD and the Red Guards - all motivated by absolute ideological certainty and all full of venomous hatred for those they saw responsible for all the world's ills (and anyone who got in their way) Unfortunately I see some of this venomous hatred and ideological certainty in Flacos article. We've been there, done that, there must be another way. Perhaps if you actually talked to rather than just name called some of the left and greens you might find that they do have some ideas about doing things differently. But then again thats not as satisfying as swearing at everyone who disagrees with you and presumably looking forward to the day when you can, as the Khmer Rouge used to put it " fertilise the fields" with our bodies.

Will Scarlet


28.02.2002 21:24

That's indeed a very good article!
We don't fight to replace today's bosses and leaders! And we are part of the anticapitalist movement cause we fight against all forms of authority... not because we want to replace capitalism with another authoritarian system. Of course as ben says above doesn't mean that everyone, who was signed up as a member of an authoritarian left or socialist party, is an authoritarian person or in any way "an enemy".... These stupid parties by using lies and pseudorevolution propaganda they recruit young people who have indeed much strength inside them, and they are capable of resisting and forming creative initiatives... Let's not forget what Proudhon said when he rejected Marx's plans to create a political leadership for the coming revolution (France, 1847):

"Let us not make ourselves the leaders of a new intolerance. Let us not pose as the apostles of a new religion, even if it be the religion of logic, of reason."



28.02.2002 21:45

I'm not pretending to be NE1. It's me! Who are you? Why are you using my name and pretending to be me? I'm going to get Charlie Kimber to write an article in our paper next week about this.
