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National Stop The War demo THIS WEEKEND!

stopwar | 27.02.2002 11:42

Stop Bush and Blair's War
Demonstrate 2nd of March
1pm, Hyde Park, London
* Supported by CND

Please bring along as many people as you can.

National Stop The War demo THIS WEEKEND!
National Stop The War demo THIS WEEKEND!

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27.02.2002 14:06

It is VITAL that ALL activists attend this event!
Bush has stated unequivocally that this will be a "war year" therefore we in the anti-capitalist movement must make it an "anti-war year".

It is well known that attacks on Iraq and Somalia are on the cards, & troops are already in the Philipines to re-establish U.S. hegemony in the area.

Most European countries however do not support a further esculation of the war, however Blair and Berlusconi do.
So it is VITAL that we send a clear signal to Blair that the anti-war movement is still alive and kicking!

EVERYBODY must be at the demonstration this Saturday. No excuses - No Apologies - No regrets.

Power to the People: Seize the Time!

Antonius Cliffus Junior


27.02.2002 14:35

Make sure it isn't hijacked by groups with dubious agendas..
We need real thinkers who know war is just a sympton..and we're NOT just saying give capitalist `peace' a chance..


real thinkers

27.02.2002 16:39

OK Ivy, we'll set ourselves up on the gates of Hyde Park, testing people to see if they have

1)real thoughts


2)odious agendas

Then we will exclude group 2. What time do you want to meet?
