Manchester Airport strikers demo 23rd Feb
Richard Searle | 25.02.2002 00:15
Support the Manchester Airport security staff strikers March through manchester City Centre Saturday 23rd February Photos by Mark Krantz (article 1)
Manchester Airport security staff face 40% pay cuts, longer working week, and reduction in holidays or the sack. Airport bosses give themselves 40% pay rises
Manchester Airport makes £53 million clear profit last year
Send messages of support and donations to TGWU office. Freepost. Merchants Quay, Salford Quays. M50 9FG
Send messages of condemnation to Chief Exceutive of Manchester Airport.
Manchester Airport makes £53 million clear profit last year
Send messages of support and donations to TGWU office. Freepost. Merchants Quay, Salford Quays. M50 9FG
Send messages of condemnation to Chief Exceutive of Manchester Airport.

Richard Searle
Hide the following 8 comments
25.02.2002 01:18
what a tosser...........
25.02.2002 11:51
Bollox to you mate.
link to TGWU press release
25.02.2002 17:43
oh how silly of me
25.02.2002 18:24
ii) oh and don't the working class just love doing crap, boring jobs making money for fat tossers. please, lets have more of them, but then, don't make the pay too crap or heaven help us, they might take to the streets and give the SWP am opportunity to put a pointless posting up on indymedia. yes, that's what i meant to say all along.
iii) since when were the TGWU interested in popular struggle? I think the Liverpool dockers might have a thing or two to say about that.
25.02.2002 19:01
If you can't WHAT then it's not your WHAT?
26.02.2002 10:51
Just please stop having a go at everything which does not call for the trashing of something. OK so airports and manchester airport raises enviro issues. But what's wrong with looking at it from the view of the workers?
the working class are an SWP front!
26.02.2002 13:45
a nonny mouse
I don't think so!
26.02.2002 16:52
Ivor the Engine.