Ake Tyvi , Apupoika - Business Intelligence | 22.02.2002 13:11
[Internal business information bulletin on Jan 17 2002; rewritten to public and open on Feb 22 2002]
BI-FINLAND The Head of European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control ( Mr Kauko Aronmaa has admitted the impossibility of (the police) solving out crimes in western urban societies.
According to Mr Aronmaa 14 percent crime solving rate related to theft cases is not even poor, and very like to better to nations with bigger cities. Only 86 percent of theft crimes are not solved out - think about it...
(Ake Tyvi, Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland)
Text based on published article. Detail information of the article and article reported given below:
Source: Aamulehti (, 15 January 2002, PekkaPartanen, p. A1 and A5; "The only thing helping against thieves is an insurance" and "Bill makers have ran out of ways against thieves"
Lähde: Aamulehti (, 15. Tammikuuta 2002, Pekka Partanen, s. A1 ja A5; "Varkaita vastaan auttaa enää vain vakuutus" ja "Lainsäätäjän keinot ovat lopussa varkaita vastaan"
Source text (p. A5): "In practise it is impossible to solve out crimes in western urban societies according to Mr Aromaa's knowledge. According to him [Mr Aromaa] Finland's 14 percent crime solving rate is not even poor, but more or less like to be better than in nation's having even bigger cities."
Lähde teksti (s. A5): "Aromaan tietojen mukaan varkauksien selvittäminen on käytännössä mahdotonta länsimaisissa kaupunkiyhteiskunnissa. Hänen mielestään Suomen 14 prosentin selvitysaste ei ole edes huono, vaan todennäköisesti parempi kuin vielä suurempien kaupunkien maissa."
BI-FINLAND The Head of European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (

According to Mr Aronmaa 14 percent crime solving rate related to theft cases is not even poor, and very like to better to nations with bigger cities. Only 86 percent of theft crimes are not solved out - think about it...
(Ake Tyvi, Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland)
Text based on published article. Detail information of the article and article reported given below:
Source: Aamulehti (

Lähde: Aamulehti (

Source text (p. A5): "In practise it is impossible to solve out crimes in western urban societies according to Mr Aromaa's knowledge. According to him [Mr Aromaa] Finland's 14 percent crime solving rate is not even poor, but more or less like to be better than in nation's having even bigger cities."
Lähde teksti (s. A5): "Aromaan tietojen mukaan varkauksien selvittäminen on käytännössä mahdotonta länsimaisissa kaupunkiyhteiskunnissa. Hänen mielestään Suomen 14 prosentin selvitysaste ei ole edes huono, vaan todennäköisesti parempi kuin vielä suurempien kaupunkien maissa."
Ake Tyvi , Apupoika - Business Intelligence