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Company applies for Trademark on "GET CHIPPED"

see material | 21.02.2002 21:16

Guess David Icke was right after all.

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Posted By: rmagent11
Date: Thursday, 21 February 2002, 6:30 a.m.


A Brazilian legislator wants to become the first politician to be
implanted with a controversial microchip that would contain his personal

"I want to demonstrate to the citizens of Brazil and the world that this
technology is safe," Antonio de Cunha Lima, a federal minister from the
state of São Paulo, said Thursday. "I believe in supporting the advance
of science and technology. I want to be the first Brazilian to be
chipped. I want to be the first politician to be chipped."

Cunha Lima said he plans be implanted with the VeriChip as soon as it is
approved for use in Brazil. He added that he is interested in pursuing a
joint venture between the chip's manufacturer, Applied Digital
Solutions, and the company he presides over, Central Brasileira de


Last week, Applied Digital Solutions applied for a trademark for the
terms "get chipped" and "The Chipsons" -- the latter in reference to the
Florida family.


Subj: The "MARK of the Beast" is Here! Applied Digital Solutions Invites
People to "Get CHIPPED"
Date: 2/13/02 9:23:42 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: MyTWaryor4JC
To: Albertoaic

Ron, Please post this for our readers.

Well, folks, we knew this one was coming! Here comes the BIG PUSH for
everyone to "GET CHIPPED!" And golly, isn't it wonderful how "...a
UNIQUE IDENTIFYING NUMBER" is included on our own cutesy little PERSONAL
number as the "unique identifying number" already assigned every men,
woman and child in America...and recorded in the ominous "BEAST"
computer in Brussels, Belgium??? (This is the mammoth computer prepared
for the world's futuristic banking system in the upcoming CASHLESS
A special report I read on this huge world banking computer revealed
that everyone in the United States of America has already been assigned
their own "unique identification number" consisting of 18 digits. These
digits, which make each person's unique, include the person's area code
from his phone number, the person's own social security number, the
access code into Brussels and the computer, etc. All that remains then
to link Americans permanently into the world banking computer in
Brussels IS...the inserting of a microchip into their hand or forehead!
Interesting how the number 18 works out into "six-six-six", eh? (Six
plus six plus six equals 18.)
Let the following statement go on public record: I am NOT "getting
Don't YOU, either. It could cause you to end up in hot in
"the lake of fire!" The Bible declares plainly that "...the smoke of
their torment ascends forever and ever, and they have no rest day or
night...." who choose to "TAKE THE MARK" of the Satanic New World Order
system of buying and selling. (From the Book of Revelation)

Read on...

-Pam Schuffert reporting from across America
* * * * * * * * * * * *

( BW)(FL-APPLIED DIGITAL)(ADSX) Applied Digital Solutions Invites Andy
Rooney From 60 Minutes to ''Get Chipped'' With New VeriChip
Identification Device

Business Wire/High Tech Writers

PALM BEACH, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 11, 2002--

"I wouldn't mind having something planted permanently in

my arm that would identify me."

-- Andy Rooney, 60 Minutes, February 10, 2002

Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADSX), an advanced
technology development company, today formally invited 60 Minutes
commentator Andy Rooney to be among the first people in the world to "get chipped(TM)" - the term the company uses for having a VeriChip(TM)
identification microchip implanted.

On the February 10, 2002, 60 Minutes broadcast, Mr. Rooney said:

"We need some system for permanently identifying safe people. Most
of us are never going to blow anything up and there's got to be
something better than one of these photo Ids ... I wouldn't mind having
something planted permanently in my arm that would identify me."

Richard J. Sullivan, Chairman and CEO of Applied Digital Solutions,
commented: "Mr. Rooney is absolutely correct -- there's got to be
something better. And there is. It's VeriChip. And we'd be delighted to
include Mr. Rooney in our very first group of VeriChip subscribers once we have approval from the FDA to 'chip' people."
On February 7, 2002, Applied Digital Solutions announced the
formation of VeriChip Corporation as a new, wholly owned subsidiary. VeriChip, first announced on December 19, 2001, is a miniaturized, implantable identification device that can be used in a variety of medical, security and emergency applications.


CONTACT: Applied Digital Solutions, Inc., Palm Beach

Investor Contact: Robert Jackson,

Media Contact: Matthew Cossolotto, 914/245-9721



SOURCE: Applied Digital Solutions, Inc.

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Hide the following 9 comments

Thanks for the advice

21.02.2002 21:35

OK- it's a deal; I won't get chipped, I promise. Though, with a bit of luck, I may well get mashed over the weekend.



22.02.2002 00:05

Guess David Icke was right after all. <- it's all lies!!

Lizard Person

Final Answer

22.02.2002 01:15

Get Chipped? Get fucked!


well, pets can already be 'chipped' so

22.02.2002 15:38

i dont see where the paranoid david icke comes into it.
certainly, icke has made a few sensible comments about free speech but unfortunately theyre lost amid the ramblings about being jesus and the lizard king, or something. i sort of feel sad for him, for he's probably got a good mind deep down, but coming from the football milleu, he doesnt know how to utilise it best...

nietzsche, antichrist

well, pets can already be 'chipped' so

22.02.2002 15:39

i dont see where the paranoid david icke comes into it.
certainly, icke has made a few sensible comments about free speech but unfortunately theyre lost amid the ramblings about being jesus and the lizard king, or something. i sort of feel sad for him, for he's probably got a good mind deep down, but coming from the football milleu, he doesnt know how to utilise it best...

nietzsche, antichrist

well, pets can already be 'chipped' so

22.02.2002 15:39

i dont see where the paranoid david icke comes into it.
certainly, icke has made a few sensible comments about free speech but unfortunately theyre lost amid the ramblings about being jesus and the lizard king, or something. i sort of feel sad for him, for he's probably got a good mind deep down, but coming from the football milleu, he doesnt know how to utilise it best...

nietzsche, antichrist

See Material

22.02.2002 16:09

is a spammer

not spam


23.02.2002 12:07

Spam 'n' chips? Sounds tasty!


How dare you?

26.02.2002 21:33

As a vegetarian ( vegetarian LIZARD, obviously), I find the last remark very offensive!
