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State of Emergency - Anti-Globalization video game released today (english)

anon | 19.02.2002 05:34

Rockstar Games State of Emergency hits the shelves today. This game is highly rumored to be based on the WTO protests in Seattle.

Rockstar Games State of Emergency hits the shelves today. This game is highly rumored to be based on the WTO protests in Seattle. The bad news is that it is a game based on using violence to overthrow the corporation that has taken over the government. The good news is that the first website about the game appears to be rather informative about the global justice movement.

Perhaps this game will become an excellent recruitment tool for the World Bank protests this spring. Hopefully, everyone will get the violence out of their system playing the game.

This game sparked quite a debate on Indymedia when it was first reported a few months ago:

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this is being hidden as its a duplicate post

19.02.2002 11:01

please read the newswire before posting there are lots of things being duplicated at the moment - this was uploaded at:

Riot Video Game (WTO?) released for PS2
