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New Cartoon By Latuff

Latuff | 17.02.2002 00:52

I do this to honor Palestine woman.

New Cartoon By Latuff
New Cartoon By Latuff




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Fuck Latuffs sick Brain

17.02.2002 03:46

Here hou see that Latuff is allways a fucking sick brain, nothing more. Wipe out this bullshit.


This isn't Latuf!!

17.02.2002 04:51

Anyone who thinks that this is Latuf is a fucking IDIOT!! REMOVE THIS TRASH FROM THE WIRE!!

fuck rednecks!

You dumb fuck

17.02.2002 05:46

Are you so fucking thick that you can't spot the website address in the corner, you dumb fucker? In fact it was prolly you that posted it


But it is art

17.02.2002 06:24

Okay it is not very pleasant, but it is a good drawing. And I for one as a working class man do not mind seeing a bit of gash, even if it is in cartoon form. It relieves the stress of constant revolutionary action. I congratulate Lufft on his uplifting take on the Palestinian struggle.


Character assassination

17.02.2002 10:59

Saul and Rupert are totally missing the point. Latuff would be disgusted by the above cartoon masquerading as his work. When people start posting porn on Indymedia they have an ulterior motive - smearing opponents of Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, in this instance. It should be removed along with the other porn images posted today.

Auntie Beeb