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What happened to indymedia?

Daniel Brett | 17.02.2002 00:36

Indymedia went offline for a few hours on Saturday. What happened?

I'm sure this was a question in many people's minds when they came back from the pub.

Daniel Brett
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No, not really

17.02.2002 08:20

No,when I got back from the pub all I could think was "hope there's plenty of bog roll because I need a shit." Or perhaps, "Shall I wake her up, or just have a wank."

mail e-mail:


17.02.2002 21:43


mail e-mail: !

when I got back from the pub

17.02.2002 22:00

..I was thinking 'this door's always had a fuckin keyhole before'


Well it does happen...

18.02.2002 11:36

It happens more than people think. Overloaded webservers, overloaded techies - down time, natch.


(sh) it happens!

18.02.2002 11:58

Happens all the time. Overloaded webservers, overloaded techies = downtime.


DNS fuckup

18.02.2002 12:12

Most indies were down on Saturday 8pm-12.30am

It seems there was a DNS problem.

During that period the uk site was switched to this page:

So note:

if you can't access uk site always try
as opposed to

(also worth trying seattle and germany on these occaisions)
