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Tim Booth | 16.02.2002 13:45

Spin Doctor now can be assured corporate role

Well, its tempting to celebrate the ousting of Jo Moore from the government but unfortunately she was doing what she was employed to do - 'manage' news. She is, in effect, a scape-goat and the government will now insist the problem has gone away.

Jo can now look forward to being head-hunted by large corporations who desire just this form of 'Public Relations' - which is obviously bad news for the rest of us.

Tim Booth
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Yes, its becoming clear

16.02.2002 14:57

this is all part of "Garbagegate on the railways". Some kind of power struggle was going on in the Stephen "Byers -beware" Dept of Transport and she was a prime sacrifice.
not that i think she stood for anything special, but as "Garbagegate" becomes official policy now the "Third Way" has burnt itself out, watch for the fall-out...
