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Oil Wars - Blood Money

see material | 13.02.2002 09:23

What hides beind the propaganda? Why are millions killed while others profit?

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How Did Hussein, and Khomeini Get Into Power?
What was the real reason for the Iran/Iraq Ten Year War?
Tue Feb 12 11:47:16 2002

How Did Saddam Hussein, and Khomeini Get Into Power?

What was the real reason for the Iran/Iraq Ten Year War?

Did the CIA place Saddam Hussein into power with the CIA architected and funded 1970's Iraqi coup?

Does Saddam Hussein still work for the CIA and or for the Bush International Crime Family or for both the CIA and the Bush International Crime Family?

Does the Bush Crime Family handle and profit from Saddam Hussein's Iraqi Oil Exports?

Is their more behind the Bush Crime Family making massive profits from the Bush Senior's architected and planned "Gulf War?"

Have more then eighty thousand American Veterans died from the mysterious "Gulf War Syndrome?"

Is the Gulf War Syndrome the result of CIA/Bush Crime Family Military Industrial secret disease testing, and High Tech Electronic Mind control Experimentation on the American/Allied military personnel, and the Iraqi people and the Iraqi Military personnel?

Did the Bush Crime Family actually implement their Gulf War in order for them to be able to carry out acts of Crimes against Humanity in order that the Bush Crime Family could use all militaries on both sides, and all citizens on all sides as experimental guinea pigs for their testing exotic biological weapons, and electronic behavioral manipulation technology on all of these unsuspecting victims?

Did the Gulf War serve in many, many ways for the International Organized Crime Banking Elements and their owned and controlled global intelligence agencies and organizations to be able to use this war as a means to be able mass eliminate populations such as the Kurdistan people and as well as millions of Iraqi people as well?

Was the Bush Crime family and the CIA involved in the supplying of chemical/biological weapons to Saddam Hussein, that Saddam Hussein then used to mass murder hundreds of thousands of Kurdistan civilians?

Was Khomeini also a CIA/OSS (in cooperation with the KGB and the MOSSAD), Elite planted puppet who was placed into power over Iran, while this plan also included the CIA/OSS (in cooperation with the KGB and the MOSSAD) placing of their agent Saddam Hussein into power over Iraq so that the CIA/OSS/KGB/MOSSAD Bush Crime Family (puppet governments) could implement a phony military conflict between Iran, and Iraq in order that this ten year military conflict could be used as a disguise that would enable the Elites to be able to mass eliminate millions of Iraqi and Iranian populations while also depleting the military capability of both Iran and Iraq that might threaten the Global Banking Elites most favored nation of nearby Israeli (that is behind the scenes used to launder trillions of dollars for the Global Bankers, especially the Rothschild owned Deutch Bank) while the Elites that is the Bush Crime Family, their global network of Elite Banking and Oil associates, and the CIA/OSS/KGB/MOSSAD were also supplying the military hardware, munitions, and the biological weapons to both Iran, and to Iraq while under the leadership of both the CIA/OSS/KGB/MOSSAD planted Khomeini and Hussein, who thus directed this mass population elimination under the directions of the Global Banking Elites and the Bush Crime Family?

Was the Khomeini who was portrayed by the Elite Controlled and Filtered Media actually not the real Khomeini, (the original Khomeini had only nine fingers and the new Khomeini had all ten fingers) but a highly trained (more then ten years) KGB Special Agent, who was trained to pull off the over throw of the Shah of Iran, and to direct Iran into a suicidal war with Iraq as part of the population mass eliminations plan by the Global Banking Controllers, and was the BBC tied directly to British Intelligence and the CIA/KGB/MOSSAD to instrumentally carry out this over throw of the Shah, to replace the Shah with a highly trained agent to act as the puppet government that would then allow for the Bush Global Crime and Oil Network and Associates CIA/OSS/KGB/MOSSAD, to implement their ten year war whereas, they were the suppliers of all weapons to both sides of this military mass elimination of millions of people in both Iran, and Iraq, and in the mean time did the Bush Oil Network also behind the scenes become the sole business dealer for Iran, and Iraq?

Why did so many fleeing Iranians who had fled Iran at the end of the reign of the Shah of Iran say that British Intelligence and the BBC were behind the over throw of the Shah of Iran, and was it because the BBC and British and Intelligence were basically working in cooperation (as standard protocol) with the CIA/KGB/MOSSAD to implement on the behalf of the Bush and Associates Global Oil/Banking Business, a highly architected Iranian/Iraqi Oil plan, combined with implementing a ten year war that was fueled by Bush and Associates weapons, and global money laundering?

The answer is: Yes

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is this...

13.02.2002 17:53

Is this a hysterical piece of unreferenced tripe?


We demand to be told!

13.02.2002 22:12

Was the highly trained KGB Special Agent who was impersonating Khomeini really a highly trained KGB Special Agent impersonating Khomeini or actually an elite Canadian mercenary paid by the CIA and BBC to play the role of a highly trained KGB Special Agent impersonating Khomeini? Are the demons' voices in the original author's head really the voices of demons or are they the voices of ninja Mossad agents telling him to do bad things?
