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Part 5 of VisionTV's "The Great Deception": Bush Admin's Link to Big Oil and 911

IMC Hamilton | 13.02.2002 03:13


VisionTV's "The Great Deception" Questions the Bush Administration's Links to the Oil Industry and to September 11th

February 11th Program

George W. Bush and the Oiligarchy

VisionTV’s fourth look at The Great Deception concentrated on the Bush administration and its direct ties to the oil industry. With the peaking of oil production only a few years off, host Barry Zwicker asked whether the present structure of Bush’s cabinet has anything to do with the present campaign to control the world’s resources. Zwicker asks, "So just who are these people?":

  • George W. Bush was CEO of Harken Energy
  • George H. W. Bush is on the board of directors at the Carlyle Group which is heavily invested in oil and weapons, and is involved with the Bin Laden family.
  • Dick Cheney is a former CEO of Halliburton Oil.
  • Donald Evans, Bush's Commerce Secretary, was with Colorado Oil’s Tom Brown Inc..
  • Zalmay Khalilzad, previous aide to Unocal, created Unocal’s risk analysis on its proposed Afghan gas pipeline, and is now the liaison to the new Afghan leader Hamed Karzai, also a former consultant to Unocal.
  • Condoleeza Rice, Bush’s national security adviser, served as Chevron Corporation’s principal expert on Kazakhstan while on their board directors.

To all of these telling facts, Zwicker adds, "A General Motors president once said: 'Structure is strategy in slow motion.' The structure of this cabinet shows, in my opinion, the primacy of oil interests."

Read the transcript from this program.

Click here for rebroadcast times of this program.

Please send messages of support to VisionTV for asking these crucial questions on national and satellite television.


February 4th Program

Who is Bin Laden?

The third segment in the "Great Deception" series of commentaries by VisionTV’s Barry Zwicker dealt with Osama Bin Laden and his links to international intelligence organizations – more specifically the CIA, Saudi intelligence and the ISI (Pakistani Intelligence). Zwicker focused on three books that detail Bin Laden’s on-going links to the CIA and ISI, that began during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan during the early 1980s:

Based on his discussion of the content of these books, Zwicker asks if Bin Laden is still employed by the CIA and if he is simply being used as a scapegoat.

Read the transcript from this program.


January 28th Program

Corporate Media Silence and The Lies About Air Force Incompetence on Sept. 11th

The January 21st commentary was the first of a series of particular questions that Mr. Zwicker will pose every Monday night at 10:30 PM (ET). The January 28th Mediafile program was entirely devoted to dealing with the corporate media’s handling of the September 11th attacks and the questions that are not posed. Mr. Zwicker’s commentary focused on the question of whether or not the Air Force was ordered to stand down and to ignore official procedures during the highjackings. He mentioned Andrew’s Air Force Base and how its website was suspiciously updated the after the attacks to exclude the mention of its two fighter jet squadrons whose duty it is to protect Washington D.C. and the surrounding area at all times.

Read the transcript from this program.


First Program in the Series

State-Terror is Nothing New for the U.S. Military-Economic Complex

On Monday, January 21st, VisionTV became the first North American television network to address the inconsistencies in the official version of the events of September 11th. In a daring 8 minute commentary on Vision’s Mediafile program, host Barry Zwicker asked many crucial questions that have been absent from the mainstream media’s coverage since 9/11. One particular question that Zwicker addressed was if America’s top military and intelligence officials are capable of such an act of state-terrorism against their "own people". His answer proved that criminal and deceptive measures, under the codename of Operation Northwoods, had been planned to terrorize the American people into favouring a full-scale invasion of Cuba after the failure of the Bay of Pigs in 1962. James Bamford’s book, Body of Secrets, was the particular focus of this discussion.

Read the transcript from this introductory segment, or watch the video online.

Please send messages of support to VisionTV for asking these crucial questions on national and satellite television.


IMC Hamilton
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Wasnt it always said of Bush Jrs regime

13.02.2002 16:55

that it was "The Rise of the Oil- igarchy" ?