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IMC Switzerland under fire

Latuff | 12.02.2002 18:36

Swiss non-governmental organization Aktion Kinder des Holocaust is threatening with legal charges two members from editorial staff of Independent Media Center of Switzerland, an alternative media group formed by volunteer activists, for publishing of alleged anti-Semitic material.

IMC web site works on the principle of open-publishing, where readers are encouraged to post articles, opinions, images, etc. One of those readers, Brazilian political cartoonist Carlos Latuff, decided to post his serie of 7 cartoons called "We are all Palestinians" to promote International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila.

In these images, artist compares the suffering of Palestinians to various oppressed people in history and elsewhere in the world now. Last artwork from this series shows a scene from Nazi-era Warsaw Ghetto, where a Jewish boy says "I am Palestinian". According to Latuff, "Jews from past and today's Palestinians were/are both victims. If today was 1940, I would to say "I am Jew". But today, Palestinians are the victims, not agressors. If you are victim of opression anywhere, then you are Palestinian as well".

According to AKdH spokesman, Mr. Samuel Althof, to compare Holocaust with Israel policy towards Palestinians is anti-Semitism. A complaint was adressed to Swiss police and due restrict laws against in Switzerland, IMC web site can be closed and two of their members sued.

Criticism to opression of Palestinians by Israel is often seen by some NGOs and mainstream as anti-Semitism, even satires as one broadcasted by Abu Dhabi Television in 2001 of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a vampire drinking the blood of Arabs.

Cartoonist Latuff, who published on Internet a public statement on anti-Semitic cartoons, has called an action against AKdH, demanding suspension of legal charges towards IMC Switzerland.

AKdH spokesman, Mr. Samuel Althof:
Other AKdH email contacts:
IMC Switzerland:
Latuff's We are all Palestinians cartoon series:

========================================== +44 (0)117 9400 636

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