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The Editor | 12.02.2002 13:44




It will come as a shock to most Bristolians to find out that WESSEX WATER is owned by collapsed and crooked American Energy Company ENRON. It will come as even more of a shock to realise that Wessex Water's Chairman NICK HOOD C.B.E. was International Vice-Chair of AZURRIX - ENRON's global Water Company. AZURRIX is being held responsible for triggering ENRON's collapse by falsely claiming huge profits while its directors milked off huge funds into their own accounts. One Enron Vice-President JOHN BAXTER has committed suicide - its President is being subpoenaed to appear before Congress and Directors are bound to face criminal charges. As a global Vice-President NICK HOOD is certain to be asked searching questions in the States as it was Hood who persuaded his fellow Enron Directors of their historic mission to privatise the world's water supplies. But we ask them now in Bristol - for we can reveal that NICK HOOD has been CHAIRMAN of @bristol since 1995 and is a very close personal advisor to PRINCE CHARLES as well as heading up THE PRINCES TRUST. ENRON donated over £800,000 to the Princes Trust in the 90's, whose Directors, including disgraced Chair Kenneth Lay and suicidal John Baxter, were entertained by Prince Charles at Highgrove. We can reveal that NICK HOOD was the go-between who introduced ENRON'S crooked management to the Prince. Hood has been Chair of Wessex Water since 1987, presiding over the privatisation of Wessex Water in 1989 and its surprise £1.5 BILLION CASH SALE to ENRON in 1998. HOOD himself is thought to have benefited financially to the tune of £3-4 million by the sale of his Wessex shares to Enron. The now very dead JOHN BAXTER visited HOOD in Bristol at the rime of the sale in 1998. He was shamed to death, whereas Nick Hood CBE is still shamelessly using his social contacts - Prince Charles - to escape any responsibility. After the sale HOOD remained Chairman and became Vice-President of Enron's global water company AZURRIX.

All this time HOOD has been central to the business life of Bristol where he has played a pivotal role in the Private-Public partnerships so beloved of our City Council - chiefly @bristol. Hood chaired @bristol from 1995 until his sudden and unexplained resignation on November 9th last year. It is now obvious that he resigned because he saw the Enron scandal coming. But his involvement with Enron means we must now ask searching questions about his chairmanship of @bristol - for example:

@bristol has an ethics committee, but allowed itself to be chaired by Hood WHO IS INEXTRICABLY LINKED TO THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN CORPORATE HISTORY. Hood presided over the acquisition of DEEPLY AND FLAGRANTLY UNETHICAL corporate sponsorships such as NESTLE to the tune of £500,000.

Last year there was an unexplained shake-up in senior management @bristol, despite the fact that we were told that visitor figures were way beyond forecasts and the corporate sponsors were coughing up liquid gold. No explanation was given for this shake-up and the departing managers were no doubt given handshakes with the gagging clauses. Rumours persisted however of a black hole at the heart of @bristol's finances which resulted in another approach to their council partners for another £4 MILLION. This was duly given and City Council Cabinet member HELEN HOLLAND must also now face searching questions over @bristol's finances, leave alone how she sat alongside a major ENRON Executive for years. Did she ever ask him or the ethics committee any questions? She and the City Council have pioneered a public-private partnership all right - with ENRON , the biggest crooks in corporate history, and they failed to spot it!

QUESTION: How much have Enron - through Wessex Water - contributed to @bristol??? Answers please - Now!!!

In 1999 HOOD received a "BUILDING A BETTER BRISTOL" award from the Queen herself for his work on Harbourside - at the same time he was working for Enron! It beggars belief. The self-aggrandising Hood is referred to by colleagues as "ruthless in his ambition and use of social contacts to advance himself": He shameslessly exploited his Prince Charles connections.

IN AUGUST 2000, IN HIS CAPACITY AS CHAIR OF @BRISTOL, HOOD CARVED HIS NAME ON THE FOUNDATION STONE OF MILLENIUM SQUARE - SYMBOLIC OF THE CORPORATE AND BUSINESS GREED AND ROTTENNESS AT THE VERY HEART OF BRISTOL TODAY. Two months earlier his pal and willing dupe Prince Charles had opened Millenium Square and laid that foundation stone. Today that stone with Hood's name on stinks to high heaven along with Helen Holland and the City Council who put him in his position. Quite how close he is to Charles was revealed in a speech Charles made at the launch of Business in the Community at his private apartment in St James Palace on 24th July 2001, where he singled out Hood for special mention as his senior advisor. All that time Hood was bringing a succession of Enron senior executives bearing large cheques for a dinner at Highgrove: JOHN WING head of Enron Europe in 1993, and his successor Ralph Hodge a few years later - all with HOOD BY THEIR SIDE!

How much did Wessex Water contribute to the Princes Trust during this time, leave alone Enron. Don't forget - we pay for all this in our water bills. Royalty - City Council - Corporate business … THE PARTNERSHIP ROTTING AWAY AT THE VERY CORNERSTONE OF OUR CITY.
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