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Paedophile priest housed for free by Catholic Church.

Ferganoid | 11.02.2002 20:54

A paedophile priest who abused nine boys is living rent-free in a flat owned by the Roman Catholic Church, the BBC has discovered.

Paedophile priest housed for free by Catholic Church.
Paedophile priest housed for free by Catholic Church.

One of Father Michael Hill's victims said he was "sickened" to learn the disgraced priest was being helped by the Church, 14 months after his release from prison.

The Catholic diocese of Arundel and Brighton, which had employed Hill as chaplain to Gatwick Airport in 1985 even though he had had his licence revoked, said it had a duty to house him.

The Church said it arranged his accommodation in the £100,000 flat, three minutes walk from a primary school, at the request of the probation authorities to help ensure he was properly supervised.

Learning difficulties

Hill, who had served three years of a five-year sentence, was tracked down by Radio 4's Today programme, which did not name the town he is in.

He had been jailed for abusing boys, including a child with learning difficulties, who he met through his work with the Church.

One of Hill's victims - named only as Peter - said: "I went to see Father Hill when I was homeless as a teenager and Father Hill abused me, betrayed my trust and betrayed the trust I had in the Catholic Church.

"It is absolute hypocrisy that the Church should be giving solace to this man and yet his victims like myself have had to fight tooth and nail for everything.

"I think the Church have a duty of care to the victims and more time should be given to helping the victims rather than helping the priest who committed crimes."

The Church authorities had to pay compensation to victims of Hill. After they lost a case in court.

'I am very disappointed,' said Steve Messham for North Wales abuse survivors. 'The tribunal made us relive the abuse we had suffered, but for what? We have had no help, support, counselling or compensation'.

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Hide the following 11 comments


11.02.2002 23:21

who are you the NF or something?


SS in this case means Social Services.

12.02.2002 01:08

Jimmer this site is worth a look if you want to see the results of trusting our childrens welfare to the state, to the church(s), and to the middle class do-gooders with their *voluntary welfare societies*. I don't necessarily endorse all of what's on there, but take a look mate. Because you can be sure that so called *pillars of society/ the establishment* are the ones who haven't been brought to account for horrifically preying on working class children.

Yes it can be seen as a very *dodgy* area for political discussion, and one we have shied away from. That's the very reason why fascists/nazis have been able to exploit the political vacuum for their own twisted reasons. In fact it could be argued that what the nazi scum are doing is re-abusing our children again.

If we're serious about a society based on completely different values to this one we've got now, then we need to face up to and challenge all forms of abuse together.

I'm getting all *preachy*, so I'll shut up now.


the new bogymen

12.02.2002 09:14

My friend worked in a hostel where some of the people had just left prison after being jailed for paedophilia which was attacked by people living nearby, with bricks and stones and trying to set fire to the place. The people inside barracaded the doors and windows and were trapped inside for hours while the police failed to respond to calls for help. This sort of crap from the media encourages scapegoating.


Who are you the NF or something?

12.02.2002 11:46

Dear Heather

Two wrongs don't make a right but,
"flat, three minutes walk from a primary school"

Dear Jimmer
who are you the NF or something?
I am in a dificult position to explaine myself right now. If I do I might blow a compensation clame. I need the money to get away from the clutches of the mental health service (next plain out of here).

Jimmer, what will you and your fellow anarchists be doing when the DSPD Order Bill is passed? If you don't know what it is stick "DSPD Order Bill" in your search engin and see what comes up.


"Flat, three minutes walk from a primary scho

12.02.2002 12:13

Dear Heather

Two wrongs don't make a right but,
"flat, three minutes walk from a primary school"

Dear Jimmer

Who are you the NF or something?
At present it is dificult for me to identify myself. If I do I may blow a compensation case. I need the money to escape the clutches of the mental health service (next plane out of here)

Jimmer, what will you and your fellow anarchists be doing when the DSPD Order Bill gets past? If you don't know what it is, stick "dspd order bill" in your search engin and see what comes up.



12.02.2002 16:12

It is a politically tricky subject to discuss I agree. But its not so much proximity to schools that should worry people (kids are everywhere after all) but the flat being paid for by the church (but then what do we expect from the church - integrity?). I still think this stuff encourages scapegoating and marginalising which is unhelpful to everyone including children. Finding and naming publically known people is counter-productive, drives people underground and fails to address the problem.


Dear Heather

12.02.2002 17:48

Point taken


Abuse can be so subtle - can't it?

13.02.2002 01:24

Sometimes abuse can be so subtle it's missed by others who are there. Sometimes it's no more than a look, or a word, or a set of words.
Heather, for all your concern, and I'm sure it's genuine, I feel you're missing the point here. I don't mean this in a nasty way, but the fact that *ferganoid* is posting this up here should be respected. Thankfully this forum is not controlled by profit makers. It's an open forum for people to express what they feel, what they have experienced, and how they think things could be changed to help others.

And that includes your friend working in a hostel too.



13.02.2002 10:38

I agree actually. I'm not arguing for censorship. Contradictory as it seems. And of course Ferganoid has a right to post whatever he wishes to post. Just musing on the effects of this stuff in the media. There are no easy answers.


Yep, that's true

14.02.2002 14:28

You're right, there are no easy answers. The mainstream media obviously have their own agenda(s)when choosing what to publish. But one way of countering that is to create alternative mediums free of censorship, at local, national, and international levels.


The Catholic Church, Maser Torture, And MK ULTRA

29.03.2011 23:48

"Gyrotron Resonance Masers" are being misused on domestic populations with the seeming tacit consent of Federal law enforcement. It could be FBI "Counterintelligence Division 5" or some other branch of the government with tech. help from CIA or NSA. Masers are frequency weapons that use "extremely low-frequency electromagnetic waves," "ELF's;" to interface with the neuronal clusters in the brain, to translate them into cybernetic analogs of conscious and subconscious neurosynaptic communication. By this means the entire concious and subconscious contents of a person's mind and psyche, can be uploaded and downloaded into a computer and sent back into the subject's brain. The mind control aspects of this are obvious, in that dream sequences, messages, and hallucinations can be entrained into the person's mind to program them, or "ELF"'s" can be used to saturate the peritol lobe and create auditory hallucinations, or "Psychic Driving" to drive somebody insane with repetitions of sentences and messages that go on all day as a form of torture. Also possible via ELF's is being able to molecularly change the bio or neuro-chemistry of the blood to a blood volume of lets say 15%, to a drug by changing the blood molecules to the molecules of that drug, and then change the drug molecules back to blood molecules, therein "cleaning" the drug out of the body. People can be poisoned this way, drugged, or have needed medicines taken out of their blood. Torture with "Psychic Driving" via ELF's repeating the same phrases or music 'over-and-over' can also be done with microwaves that impinge on the auditory nerves to create "audiograms" that can be heard just as audibly inside the head as the "psychic driving" torture via "ELF"'s. Also infrasound at low vibrational densities can program the psyche via bio-morphic communications via cellular memory and manipulate emotional structures. The psyche can be emotionally programmed in this way, negative and painful emotions entrained in a subject/victim at will, and other uses of evoking various emotions for mind control purposes. You can partition the brain synapses with ELF's like partitioning a computer, and program subdivisions of the brain, and at the same time create subdivisions of the psyche: "Multiple Personalities" with biomorphic programming with low infrasound, and then use high infrasound to program the amnesiac barriers between "alter personalities" with "crypto-hypotic code," to regulate "alter" functioning as well as keep people from using hypnosis to get into the "alter systems" of the programmed person. Also infrasound and microwaves at thermal levels can torture people at the high level, by hitting nerves in the body where it can feel like your body and/or eyes are being cut with knives, or low infrasound and microwaves at thermal levels will cause sensations of burning or burn the skin. Also the Catholic Church is involved in all of this, and is misusing maser techology on kids for purposes of exploitation, (of which the media has stories in abundance and also the reasons why the Catholic Church has paid out millions to victims of clergy abuse) and also the Catholic Church is involved in the punative aspects of this program in the USA to punish political dissidents. Cynthia A Stuart MD at "Foothill Family Practice" in Glendora, California, Mick Tobin of "Alta Loma" California, and Father Larry Dowdell at "St. Louise De Marrilac Catholic Church" in Covina, California are involved in this. They have been maser torturing me for almost a year, and identified themselves to me via 'synthetic telepathy' as a licensing requirement. This misuse of masers on domestic populations for purposes of programming and torture is an egregious violation of human rights and must be ended. For me and others, I hope it is ended soon. This article is public domain, please reproduce to e-lists with as many people as possible.

Anonymous: Archonis Sunday, September 26 2010 @ 08:28 AM BST

Dear Russian Orthodox Church Patriarchy, The Catholic Church in the USA and Europe, (and I am sure world-wide) has a huge child molestation network in it. They use drugs, masers, and hypnosis to create “multiple personalities” in children; some of these “alter personalities” are programmed through hypnosis and torture to become sex-slaves for perverted and criminal priests, bishops, and cardinals, and then they are reprogrammed back into “normal alters” with amnesia where the kids do not recall the sexual abuse. This is by no means an anomoly, but in fact is sanctioned at the highest levels of the Vatican and constantly covered up. The reason why there have not been any new cases of child molestation in the media in the USA lately, is due to the use of mind control and hypnotic amnesia being induced in the kids where they will not be able to recall the abuse. If my friend Troy Southgate does not not object, (and if he still has copies of my e-xmails) he can go to and click on the “English Icon” and then on the “Home Page” click “E-Mail” at the top, it will open up a form to send anonymous e-mails and he can ‘cut and paste’ my writings on this subject and also on masers, (whioh the Catholic Church also uses in mind-control of kids) and send them to you. The Catholic Church is also involved in human and child sex trafficking and they are involved in the buying and selling of kids, and also adults in “underground” slave auctions, where innocent victims of this both children and adults, are pimped out for money, brutalized, and exploited. Russian kids and vulnerable adults are at grave risk by the Catholic Church in your midst; and you should pressure President Putin to close down all the Catholic Churches, and expel the priests, bishops, and arch-bishops from Russia and it’s territories. I was tortured with masers and programmed by the “Catholic Mind-Control Experts” to stop writing on the Internet, and they de-patterned me and programmed me to become a Catholic in 2007. In 2009 they made the torture and programming worse to try to program me to become a homoexual sex-slave for a perverted priest who is well-known to Troy, (Priest In Covina, California, U.S.A.) and who will be exposed in due course if Troy forwards you my e-mails on this subject, or if anyone else chooses to do so. The kids in Russia are at grave risk from the Catholic Church there, and it took intense will-power to break enough of my programming to fortunately stop, the perverted priests’ homosexual aims against me from being realized. My Grandmother was Russian, and I am 25% Russian and have always taken a deep and affectionate interest in Russia, which I consider to be my Spiritual Homeland… I hope everyone of interest will act on this information as soon as possible, and e-mail all relavant entities and authorities in Russia to put a stop to the predatory aims of the Catholic Church in Russia

Anonymous: Archonis Monday, March 21 2011 @ 10:53 PM GMT

Masers Are frequency weapons and also can be used to heal. They can alter molecules in the blood to cahnge their substance. i.e. They can trun your blood volume into a

drug by changing the molecules of that drug, (lett's say at a blood volume of 15%) and then can change the molecules back to blood.

The main frequencies are low infrasound which is concusive or expansive on an organism, and high infrasound, which is beneath the sound spectrum and can have laser-like effects.

The psychotronic aspect is extremely low-frequency waves; ELF's, that penetrate and interrelate with the neuronal clusters in the brain; and translate them into cybernetic

analogs of conscious and subconsious neurosynaptic communication.

Masers can also modulate microwaves at the thermal and sub-thermal levels. Sub-thermal microwaves are used for "Psychic Driving" and "voice-in-head" torture by impinging on the

auditory nerves. ELF's create the same torture by saturating the periolital lobe. There is also a multidemensional aspect that relates to quantum mechanics; in that varying

syn-wave modulations of ELF's; (ultra and infrasonics etc.) seem to bypass the fractalization thershold of 3D, and go into 4D by

some unkown process and vice-versa.

The frequencies go through the neutron of the atom into 4D and back into 3D, as well as the entropic domain of both dimensions

theough the multidimensional correlate of dark matter and dark energy; that is the qualitative inheirential attraction of the singularization principle of quantum physics.

They also resonate to the "psychosociogenic 4D matrix" in 4D, and enter into the "morphotagenic field" through the 4D intercommunicative structure in this field, even though the

"morphitogenic field " is in its substance basically biomorphic communications in 3D.

Through these modalities described, it is possible to create multiple personalities by partitioning the synapses in the brain with harmonic resonances via ELF's, to create separate channels

for "alters," as well as as create "alters" via biomorphic communication through cellular memory; with microwaves and ultrasonic penetration.

This creates the "alters" and the modes through whihc they are creates and programmed, as well as disassociative amnesic states between "alters" that contain the "crypto-hypnotic code" that regulates the "alters"

functioning, and that prevents anyone from penetrating into the MPD/DID system. The old system of "narco-hypnosis" and torture to create "multiple personalities" seems to have been

replaced by maser programming and torture to create monarch slaves..... The Catholic Church has a symbiosis with the American National Security apparatus, so they are heavily involved.

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