More about Saul Alynsky, pioneer in CONFRONTIVE nonviolence!
John Smith | 11.02.2002 07:55
Many people seem to think that we have a choice before us ONLY between pacifist nonviolence and violence. The late Saul Alynsky, a u.s. social organizer and author of _Rules For Radicals_ has much to teach people about a totally other paradigm in nonviolence!
This is a post about CONFRONTIVE nonviolence, not pacifist nonviolence. I'm hoping some of you won't mind me cross-posting this from other imc boards since the content could be very very valuable for many here.
Notably, pacifism has it's place, (a thorough read of Gahdhi and you can see it's value in spades--in some circumstances). Still, there is another type of nonviolence which usually seems to get overlooked when people talk about "peaceful" marches versus property destruction: confrontive nonviolence.
This type of nonviolence was apparently pioneered by the late Saul Alynsky, who led hugely successful "back of the yards" organizing in Chicago and Rochester, NY. He published an interesting book: _Rules For Radicals_. A MUST read, especially on his various outrageously funny tactics! (Your local independent bookstore ought to have it; and SOMEONE ought to put parts of it online! hint hint!)
Anyone here familiar with Alynsky?
His main thrust was to act "within the experience" of protesters, yet "outside the experience" of those targeted. His highly successful groups used eaten beans, chewed gum, and other unorthodox methods to utilize "mass jiu-jitsu" upon targets.
They also went outside of the traditional spaces of demos and to the quiet neighborhoods where particular policy- makers lived. There, they put their protests into action, often publicly shaming the targeted policymaker.
The bean thing was: A critical mass of protesters ate a lot of beans and then once the beans had percolated for awhile, went to an enclosed building in which the problem policymaker was known to be attending. And they made a BIG STINK, literally!
I see that CONFRONTIVE nonviolent tactics like these are but the tip of the iceberg of possible methods, far more enjoyable than traditional pacifism. Put our creative minds toghether and see what MORE we can come up with!
Oh, here's one: Comedians with those really loud bullhorns directing their humor at/with cops in situations that have become very tense (timing is key). Attempt to get the cops laughing so much that they don't beat the shit out of nonviolent protesters, at the very least. (This method is an attempt to bridge with cops who have been hyped up to attack by the usual methods of their "superiors" hype)
Another: Get out of your "radical" clothes (if you dare) and *finally* learn to wear camoflauge. What? Figure this out!
The use of HUMOR and JOY have a serious place in our increasingly heavy situation, and we've got to begin using it WITHIN our ranks, as well as towards the many people who watch and would like to be inspired by our activities.
We MUST remember that the state's policymakers WOULD RATHER that increasingly desperate people turn to violence, because the state is WELL PREPARED for this kind of situation arising (People need only to read the history of cointelpro to learn that the feds used court litigation as one vital tool in gumming up our limited resources over and over again).
On the other hand, they ARE NOT well prepared for the creative genius of *ALL OF US* putting our heads together and coming up with FUN and still legal ways to fuck with the mindsets of the well-trained (and de-individualized, well-alienated) pawns (cops) who are to do the policymakers' bidding.
That's a key situation: Having a conscious of idea of WHO we're seeking to speak to, and WHY. So, whether we are marching alone or in our affinity groups, or in a large march, we have a huge plethora of communications to ALL the people we'd like to speak with.
COME ON, PEOPLE, we've GOT to get BEYOND these same old, seriously OBSOLETE methods of interaction!
For instance, how about looking at our protesting activity as more than carrying simple slogans! Here we have a chance to interact with well-propagandized corporate stiffs and ALL we are doing is giving them these "stop corporate... whatever" LAME slogans!
What if we sought to actually TAKE ON THESE PEOPLE'S ALLEGED IGNORANCE? For instance, every corporate stiff I've ever heard talk says that you "crazy radical kids" don't have any real understanding of what you're doing; and in fact you are being manipulated by the Left.
Hmmm. Another one they got is that they're ever so certain that their transnational colonizer organizations ARE accountable--to *insurance companies*!
Notably, pacifism has it's place, (a thorough read of Gahdhi and you can see it's value in spades--in some circumstances). Still, there is another type of nonviolence which usually seems to get overlooked when people talk about "peaceful" marches versus property destruction: confrontive nonviolence.
This type of nonviolence was apparently pioneered by the late Saul Alynsky, who led hugely successful "back of the yards" organizing in Chicago and Rochester, NY. He published an interesting book: _Rules For Radicals_. A MUST read, especially on his various outrageously funny tactics! (Your local independent bookstore ought to have it; and SOMEONE ought to put parts of it online! hint hint!)
Anyone here familiar with Alynsky?
His main thrust was to act "within the experience" of protesters, yet "outside the experience" of those targeted. His highly successful groups used eaten beans, chewed gum, and other unorthodox methods to utilize "mass jiu-jitsu" upon targets.
They also went outside of the traditional spaces of demos and to the quiet neighborhoods where particular policy- makers lived. There, they put their protests into action, often publicly shaming the targeted policymaker.
The bean thing was: A critical mass of protesters ate a lot of beans and then once the beans had percolated for awhile, went to an enclosed building in which the problem policymaker was known to be attending. And they made a BIG STINK, literally!
I see that CONFRONTIVE nonviolent tactics like these are but the tip of the iceberg of possible methods, far more enjoyable than traditional pacifism. Put our creative minds toghether and see what MORE we can come up with!
Oh, here's one: Comedians with those really loud bullhorns directing their humor at/with cops in situations that have become very tense (timing is key). Attempt to get the cops laughing so much that they don't beat the shit out of nonviolent protesters, at the very least. (This method is an attempt to bridge with cops who have been hyped up to attack by the usual methods of their "superiors" hype)
Another: Get out of your "radical" clothes (if you dare) and *finally* learn to wear camoflauge. What? Figure this out!
The use of HUMOR and JOY have a serious place in our increasingly heavy situation, and we've got to begin using it WITHIN our ranks, as well as towards the many people who watch and would like to be inspired by our activities.
We MUST remember that the state's policymakers WOULD RATHER that increasingly desperate people turn to violence, because the state is WELL PREPARED for this kind of situation arising (People need only to read the history of cointelpro to learn that the feds used court litigation as one vital tool in gumming up our limited resources over and over again).
On the other hand, they ARE NOT well prepared for the creative genius of *ALL OF US* putting our heads together and coming up with FUN and still legal ways to fuck with the mindsets of the well-trained (and de-individualized, well-alienated) pawns (cops) who are to do the policymakers' bidding.
That's a key situation: Having a conscious of idea of WHO we're seeking to speak to, and WHY. So, whether we are marching alone or in our affinity groups, or in a large march, we have a huge plethora of communications to ALL the people we'd like to speak with.
COME ON, PEOPLE, we've GOT to get BEYOND these same old, seriously OBSOLETE methods of interaction!
For instance, how about looking at our protesting activity as more than carrying simple slogans! Here we have a chance to interact with well-propagandized corporate stiffs and ALL we are doing is giving them these "stop corporate... whatever" LAME slogans!
What if we sought to actually TAKE ON THESE PEOPLE'S ALLEGED IGNORANCE? For instance, every corporate stiff I've ever heard talk says that you "crazy radical kids" don't have any real understanding of what you're doing; and in fact you are being manipulated by the Left.
Hmmm. Another one they got is that they're ever so certain that their transnational colonizer organizations ARE accountable--to *insurance companies*!
John Smith
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What's the intent?
11.02.2002 16:03
OK, so you've eaten beans and spent some money that you have (and others don't) on a nice suit and spent time getting into the meeting where a man that decides your life is making a token public appearance. You've farted your clever ass off. Now what? The man that strips your surplus labor value is going to decide that he must change his policies because of a little smell? Or maybe the cops will identify you and drag you out of the meeting.
You are not thinking very far. You are patronizing a lot of people. By all means think of alternatives, but you are stuck in a rut of PROTEST which is asking the rulers to REFORM themselves. You are ignoring the fact that you will only be allowed to do the INEFFECTIVE. As soon as what you are doing causes trouble it will boil down to physical confrontation where you are going to suffer.
Stop shifting the blame for violence onto protestors.
The only alternative is for us ALL to be prepared to DEFEND ourselves against the PIGS. They can do nothing if there is a black bloc of 10,000 or 100,000. The pigs are succesful at the moment because of the idiotic, cowardly and treacherous pathological PACIFISM that infects current protests.