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I Declare Corporate Media Officially Irrelevant. WEF

Lloyd Hart | 10.02.2002 23:22

First of all, I must thank for doing an outstanding job of hosting all the dedicated individuals who traveled to NYC to cover the World Economic forum from the other side of the looking glass in this fairy tale called democracy.

I Declare Corporate Media Officially Irrelevant. WEF

First of all, I must thank for doing an outstanding job of hosting all the dedicated individuals who traveled to NYC to cover the World Economic Forum from the other side of the looking glass in this fairy tale called democracy. The folks at NYC.IMC as far as I am concerned reflect the finest ethic in the search for truth, as events unfold, that can be expected from a truly free editorial process. All the folks that worked on the video pool through Saturday night at Walker St. until the next morning showed a spirit cooperation not found in most modern nonprofits. I would also like to praise Free Speech TV at and for their participation in getting out the message using their sites as conduits for the captured media from the WEF weekend.

The reason I am declaring the Corporate Media Irrelevant is that the Corporate Media is guilty of that very tactic. In attempting to paint the protest movement as irrelevant the Corporate Media has put it self in the unsavory position of bold face lying to it’s audience and therefore setting up of an entrenchment of growing public distrust of it’s reporting. Case in point: the fact that the coverage was minimal and in my estimation 25% of the magnitude of story and what it should have provoked on CNN, is a purposeful editorial process that transparently aligns CNN with Neo Liberalism. CNN on their web site, as I witnessed with my own eyes, stated that only 2000 people showed up for the February 2nd. Rallies when it was clear to me, having helped organize a 30,000 plus rally in the past that 30,000 plus showed up on Saturday February 2nd. 2002. This speaks volumes of where the CNN editor’s loyalties lie. They can not simply say; we at CNN made a mistake. Eyewitness word will spread and the truth will be told.

The corporate media has painted it self into the unfortunate position of sliding down the slippery slope of alienating it’s audience and forcing the good public to seek the truth else where. This of course is a very interesting time for publishing junkies like myself as it has been just announced on CNN that 50% of the American Public has officially logged on to the net. So it’s no longer 800 channels of shit to choose from but rather millions of web sites to explore. The decentralization of information gathering can only represent a threat to all media and other monopolies. The more diverse the info gets on the net and in our society the more irrelevant centralized power becomes.

Nobody expected an internet insurrection, except those of us who grasped what the free flow of information on a global scale could do for broadening democratic rights of a people whom have been beset by the ruthless feudal strains of State Capitalism and Corporate Communism.

The fact that in just two years has grown into a global concern and the fact that each of the Indymedia outlets and it’s editorial content is locally run while maintaining it’s open publishing news wire feature and the fact that the FBI attempted to get at the server logs shows just how relevant the hunger for truth in reporting has become. I personally tell at least one person a day about and I find out later from these folks that they are logging on and are satisfied with their interaction with the content. The interactive features of the site have inspired me to say that, as time rolls on, Indymedia through its grassroots anarchical democratic practices and it’s lack of cult of personality will do more toward bringing people together to save this broken earth than anyone could have dreamed.

The only thing that can temporarily slow the transformation of the bio organism called humanity is if the feudal patriarch pulls the plug on the net. This of course can only lead to a revolution. I have been noted to say that computers and the internet are really about humanity flirting with it’s own enlightenment. All of the latent talents to communicate fully within our own organism and to all life and streams of consciousness throughout the universe are encapsulated within each of us. If we wish to soften the crash that is now upon us we must reach in side our selves and place feudalism in the dust bin of history.

The Corporate Media Is Irrelevant

Lloyd Hart
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Reading Rites for 60 Minutes

11.02.2002 05:28

The once venerable investigative journalism program tonight displayed the desperation of thems that rules. An interview with Palestinian president, Arafat conducted by that Ancient, Mike Wallace was journalism's absolute nadir. No questions of Israeli atrocity. No mention of Sharon war crimes trial in Belgium. No pretense of that favourite truism of reportage, "balance". No respect afforded an elected leader of a beseiged and desperate nation.
Instead, Wallace asked President Arafat's reaction to a New York Times article labelling him a "dead man walking."

Somebody put this rotting media corpse in the ground. The smell is killing me.


CNN is clear

11.02.2002 06:09

It is clear what CNN was trying to say about the demonstrations. They deliberately intercut images of the 2 Feb marchers with tear gas and rioters from Genoa and lockdowns from Seattle, only to say that "scenes like this did not happen here." That and using inarticulate 16 yr olds for quotes on the meaning behind the march shows that CNN's emphasis is on how those protesting the WEF are potentially dangerous and intellectually irrelevant.
