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A Right Royal{removed as not news}

Lord Hatchit | 09.02.2002 09:19

a rather diagreeable 'HIC' peice of news

I say a rather disagreeable piece of news, what. I must pontificate over Auntie Beebs using That rather deplorable man Nicholas, What is his title again?, Witch all the next week. You see chums she got to used to the Toilet Bowl on our sprees in Jamiaca that I imagined her cleaning them for £3 every hour. Still, keep her away from MY bottle, all the more Gin For me. yes.what. Damn Parasite. What.

Lord Hatchit


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A Nation Mourns

09.02.2002 10:29

The entire nation will be united in grief today at the news that Princess Margaret has died. People everywhere will have been dissapointed to learn that it was only the alcoholic sister of the queen who had had her last fart, and not Princess Margaret of Thatcher. However, a forty one gun salute will take place on the roof of the makers of London Gin at the passing of their best customer and Socialist Worker will have a full colour commemorative souvenir printed in memory of this very remarkable woman who was once photographed smiling at an African child on a Royal Visit to Kenya in 1954. "There, she was just like us after all" said spokesperson Chris Harman. "Would you like to buy a paper" he added in a solemn tone.

Jenny Bond

Censor this

09.02.2002 10:41

I wonder if, like me, you too, as I have done, have been very concerned, not to say worried, about the nature, and indeed style, of some of the messages, not to mention articles, appearing on Indymedia lately.
This latest rumour concerning our printing of a commemorative souvenir on the life of our late sister the Princess Margaret, is totally false. Just because most of our Party leaders hail from the same social class as our Royals is no reason at all to extract the urine. And anyway, most of it will be in black and white.
It's high time anyone not holding a membership card of the SWP was banned from Indymedia. In fact, they should be shot out of hand like the dogs they are. Care to buy a paper anyone?
