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corrupt gardai rush to stand by sir ronnie flanagans side

agnes | 08.02.2002 23:00

something stinks to high heaven

the same gardai men involved in the plot to frame, harass and intimidate publicans Frank Short and emmon Mcbearty were alleged to hav been involved in extracting the confession of Conor murphy the only man to be charged in connection wif the omagh bomb. the harassment of Frank Short culminated in his pub being burnt to ground, and Frank serving 3 yrs in Mountjoy prison after drugs were planted by the gardai in his pub in donegal. the charges and conviction against Frank Short were subsequently quashed upon the discovery of the donegal gardais activities and involvement in the harassment and framing of both Frank short and mr mcbearty. mr mcbearty another publican was charged wif murder after the donegal gardai alleged he had confessed to a non existant murder. both Frank short and Mr mcbearty were initially approached by the gardai men who were keen to buy both shorts and mcbeartys lucrative pub buisnesses, after both publicans refused to sell up they were subsequently targeted by the donegal gardai. After an internal investigation of the gardai mens activities, and on evidence given by the wife of one of the gardai men, all charges and convictions against Frank Short and Mcbearty were dropped. the gardai men who must hav been scumbags if even their wives testified against them, were never disciplined. the wife of one of the gardai men, gave evidence that her husband had brought detonators and explosives to keep at their home, before burying the arms somewhere else to later dig up the explosives and gain credit for terrorist arms cache finds. Other gardai testified that they had seen one of the donegal gardai actually writing the confession of Mr Mcbearty himself, yet these same gardai officers went to omagh to support and be seen to be by the side of the ruc/psni chief cuntstable sir ronnie flanagan when he met the relatives of the omagh bomb. Something stinks when corrupt gardai run to the aid of the supposedly uncorrupt and truthful sir ronnie flanagan.



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The Stench

09.02.2002 05:27



Brits in Afghanistan -in Ireland! we know why

09.02.2002 16:09

Brits in Afghanistan -in Ireland! we know why
Brits in Afghanistan -in Ireland! we know why

Brits in Afghanistan -in Ireland! We all know why! Britts and the U.S have always been Colonialist and will be Colonialist in the next 100 years.If a Irish Garda change his mind, so just ask for how much? It's that easy..

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