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Palestinians massacre disabled 11 year old Israeli girl. Where is EU outrage

Ken | 07.02.2002 22:06

Palestinians massacre disabled 11 year old Israeli girl. Where is EU outrage

Palestinian Terrorists attacked a Jewish village in the Jordan Valley called Hamra not far from the place where the Israelites and Joshua crossed the river into the Promised Land 3300 years ago.

The Palestinian terrorist entered one of the houses and murdered a mother and then the Palestinian terrorist massacred her 11 year old disabled daughter.
A soldier who came to assist them was also murdered. An Israeli military unit entered the house and killed the murderer. They found the mother and her daughter shot in cold blood.

This terrorist murder shows the cruelty and inhumanity of Arafat and his terrorist bands. He did not even hesitate to kill an eleven year old girl and her mother. He did not come to fight against soldiers but he came to kill women and children. Only an inhuman and scared terrorist would do something like this. This again shows by what evil enemies Israel is surrounded that their goal is to kill as many Jews as possible and to destroy Israel. Perhaps people all over the world who still support the terrorist, Arafat, and the evil “Palestinian” Authority and the other Arab enemies of Israel will finally understand that Israel is surrounded by and has within it cruel enemies which again want to make another Holocaust for the Jewish People, this time in the Jewish land of Israel. This is a message to all these people, and even to George Bush, who still believe that the terrorist, Arafat, is Israel’s peace partner. They should understand, that this devil is no different then Bin Laden and his murderous Arab network.



Display the following 5 comments

  1. Oops, sorry about that — Auntie Beeb
  2. Eyeball Targetting... — Gumbert
  3. 1984 — Kicks
  4. which kids die? you be the judge! — a nonny mouse
  5. LISTEN UP LADDIE! — Nuggett!