enuff is enuff
internationalist | 07.02.2002 12:52
Forgive a posting which isn't really news.
Came here today to post some union news etc, as I do.. But then skimmed the last week's newswire, and I'm left quite alarmed, and not sure I want to keep participating.
I'm not fussed by the SWP-bashing; in fact all the free publicity is doing us no harm at all! ;-)
And the utterly mad and largely incomprehensible conspiracy theories can be quite a laugh.
But racism, sexism, homophobia.. these do bother me, especially when they so often seem to go unchallenged.
Postings promoting the old Nazi lie that 'Jews' control the media, a posting celebrating the denial of living space for travellers, comments slagging off female comrades on grounds of their appearance, contributors attacked using homophobic insults.. the list goes on. And precious few contributors seem to challenge any of it.
So I guess I'm asking for anyone who feels the same to add a comment, just to re-assure me it's still worth posting up left-wing, progressive stuff here.
Apologies to the editors if this is a bit naughty.
Came here today to post some union news etc, as I do.. But then skimmed the last week's newswire, and I'm left quite alarmed, and not sure I want to keep participating.
I'm not fussed by the SWP-bashing; in fact all the free publicity is doing us no harm at all! ;-)
And the utterly mad and largely incomprehensible conspiracy theories can be quite a laugh.
But racism, sexism, homophobia.. these do bother me, especially when they so often seem to go unchallenged.
Postings promoting the old Nazi lie that 'Jews' control the media, a posting celebrating the denial of living space for travellers, comments slagging off female comrades on grounds of their appearance, contributors attacked using homophobic insults.. the list goes on. And precious few contributors seem to challenge any of it.
So I guess I'm asking for anyone who feels the same to add a comment, just to re-assure me it's still worth posting up left-wing, progressive stuff here.
Apologies to the editors if this is a bit naughty.
Hide the following 57 comments
07.02.2002 13:15
Of course some obvious stuff does seem to get hidden quite quickly, but other items get left. I agree we should comment if items are full of race hate stuff etc.
Can you provide links to the stories you noticed?
It is up to you...
07.02.2002 13:17
We all hold a responsibility ourselves for the site, so lets take the job seriously. If more social justice stories are posted rather than stupid comments about individuals then the site might attract more serious attention.
Having said that i think it is not as bad as you paint it, the site does deliver what it promised - a few individuals bring it down and i am prepared to ignore them for the sake of info from the street.
Ice Pix
07.02.2002 13:19
Smash Party Politics...Death to the Trots!
If you see something that offends
07.02.2002 13:19
07.02.2002 13:23
challenging, not censoring!
07.02.2002 14:20
IMC Postings.
07.02.2002 14:23
what set me off
07.02.2002 14:44
07.02.2002 14:48
Ivor the Engine.
aagh! what am I doing??
07.02.2002 15:47
Thanks to aurther and !!! for snapping me out of it. As you rightly say, the best thing is to just post news and ignore the trolls and pigs.
Just one last thought; what is Ronnie's problem with women?
use it wisely or we may lose it..
07.02.2002 16:04
comment. we are attracting new plp everyday to these sites and i worry they may be put off by abusive posts.
My main point is both here and particularly on the global indymedia sites there has been a marked increase in r/wing market libertarian, racist and just plain ridiculous postings.While inymedia is of course open to everyone, there must be a way to limit these postings,
there are enuff corporate and r/wing media outlets for these plp without hi-jacking ours.Strangely, perhaps because of a strong radical culture, the european sites seem to have much less of this and indeed have more regular and local news. I would like to hear more of what
is happening around uk as welll as global issues.
use it wisely or we may lose it...by the way, lets not forget the heroic indymedia activists, all power to them!
internationalist, you should repost this tonight with a clarer heading as most plp surf in evening, when this importnat post may be gone.
it just a joke
07.02.2002 16:17
since internationalist is an SWP - er
07.02.2002 16:24
the power of critique as provided for by the 'comments' section means that anything too much out of the spirit of the IMC project (such as the mindless moronic output of the SWP thugs!) means they will run away discredited after a while
the SWP is peeved that they havent really made much of an impact on this site. what did they expect ? either they dont know they're making a mistake in expecting the whole movement to subordiante itself to Labour (how dare they !) or they're cynical operators .
Who cares ? the fact they hide behind this "internationalist" figure means they're losing the argument.
hoo nose hoo
refer to Fahrenheit *451 for a warning
07.02.2002 16:35
Incidentally, im shocked at how many of the SWP members never go to their own bookshop (Bookmarx). Many indeed , have never heard about it. Morons and idiots !
Uno hoo
Yes but...
07.02.2002 16:39
Here we have a medium that has opened up the communication between networks of activists and hopfully the public - but the back biting going on by 5 or 6 of you is desined to destroy all the hard work
07.02.2002 16:39
OK, leave the conspiracy theories up there (so long as they aren't written by racist head-bangers), but at least delete the republishing of stories that have already appeared in the British corporate press. For instance, most British viewers will have visited the BBC site, so what's the point in reproducing BBC stories? I thought this was a forum to upload 'news from the street' - or at least, give readers an understanding of news that doesn't appear in the corporate press in the UK.
I guess it takes a lot of work on the part of volunteers, but it's so easy for Indymedia to be undermined as a serious news source if editorial control is too slack.
Regular user
07.02.2002 16:44
07.02.2002 16:53
07.02.2002 17:07
Regular User
couple of points
07.02.2002 17:14
I am an SWP member (and proud of it) but I post stuff here off my own bat. No-one is hiding behind me. The SWP have never organised any intervention on IMC; we don't have time!
And sexism is not hilarious or 'ironic', it's pathetic.
Hurt and disgusted
07.02.2002 17:15
In a different style...
07.02.2002 18:04
In a different style...
07.02.2002 18:09
Gonzo! Don't go!
07.02.2002 18:19
07.02.2002 18:26
07.02.2002 18:30
and, internationalist, do keep posting leftwing, progressive stuff or otherwise this whole media will just become a platform for people posting anti-traveller stuff etc.. (not to mention those who prefer catfights - ,or is that sexist - oops!, to news)
So, he IS right!
07.02.2002 18:49
St. Pauli.
ronnie the bigot
07.02.2002 19:03
they just dont know it yet
07.02.2002 19:24
football thought up by the rulling classes to keep people from wondering why they are so badly treated it was a good ploy its worked a treat give em a game on telly each nite they wont mind being fucked up the arse with a governmental boot every day. 200 years now, isnt it better mind control than drugs or cops it keeps them fighting each other too divide and rule sorted
john jones-smith
You would know
07.02.2002 20:01
By the way, 63% for strike action! Don't forget, if I see you SWP opportunists on our picket lines, I'll kick your arses back home to your rich parents. Karl Marx said there is no such thing as a non-political act, so I'm just off for a quick Trotskyist crap. See yer.
Just to be a pedant
07.02.2002 20:17
07.02.2002 20:24
Another pedant
07.02.2002 20:29
Ronnie, best of luck with the strike.
St. Pauli.
07.02.2002 20:30
You'd be a copper's wet dream on a picket line - as soon as you started throwing you weight about they'd bag the lot of you. If I worked with you the first thing I'd do on picket duty is wrap you in a mail bag and drop you in the river.
I can only assume that the root of your inability to manage your anger properly is your involvement in rugby league. I think you have a lot of self hatred because you've never had the oportunity to be involved in proper rugby.
The voice of reason
The voice of treason
07.02.2002 20:39
Go on
07.02.2002 20:49
Ivor the Engine.
It may be boring but
07.02.2002 20:52
Editing is not censorship
07.02.2002 21:46
It's true.
07.02.2002 21:51
On the other hand, you ignore the likes of Internationalist and his control freak friends at your peril. They would dearly like to run the country and impose socialism from above. It failed in Eastern Europe, but they cling onto the punctured life raft of the early 20th Century for dear life. A bit like the Flat Earth Society really.
from a conspiracy nut
07.02.2002 21:57
dh/dwight heet
my views on the SWP
07.02.2002 22:06
07.02.2002 22:07
oh yes...
07.02.2002 22:14
1) this is a news/political site, not a place for people to post up stories (there are other sites for that)
2) none of the conspiracys are very good, maybe some interesting more realistic ones, but the current ones are just so dull, i think the whole knights templar thing is quite interesting...
and as an obsessional
07.02.2002 22:24
thanks ronnie
07.02.2002 22:36
Why fight amongst ourselves?
07.02.2002 23:07
George Bush and Tony Blair must be laughing their arses off.
Cautious Fred
agree absolutely Cautious Fred
08.02.2002 01:14
another authoritarian ploy
08.02.2002 02:55
Is anyone else as worried as me by some recent IMC UK postings and the (lack of) reaction to them?
>erm, well no. I've noticed that recently, amongst >postings I wouldn't personally call news/debate/discussion >has been some really good stuff reflecting the @utonomous >anti-capitalist movement, and the various struggles >individuals and groups care about.
Forgive a posting which isn't really news.
>no, because this posting isn't anything resembling news, >it's a deliberate attempt by authoritarians to garner >sympathy for censorship. Censorship which they try to >manipulate into place because we will not allow them the >power to impose it. These ploys are well documented, by >those independently minded - anarchists
Came here today to post some union news etc, as I do.. But then skimmed the last week's newswire, and I'm left quite alarmed, and not sure I want to keep participating.
I'm not fussed by the SWP-bashing; in fact all the free publicity is doing us no harm at all! ;-)
>I've always found that if you want to find the motivation >for authoritarians, the best way is to turn >their 'arguments' on their head. That way you can see why >they're lying.
>No you didn't come here to post some union news at all.
But racism, sexism, homophobia.. these do bother me, especially when they so often seem to go unchallenged.
>Aaarrrr( that's a nice Aaarrrr).... no one reading your >posts or those posts of similar authoritarians then????
>Tell you what, why not look at the causes of every >possible form of oppression (including swp/authoritarian >censorship of potential/ex members). Of course >authoritarians are excluded from this discussion, by >virtue of their inability (at the moment) to understand it.
>Because people don't read, or wish they hadn't, swp >postings, doesn't mean that postings without comments >haven't been read - your every attempt at 'controlling' is >being giggled at.....................knobhead.
Postings promoting the old Nazi lie that 'Jews' control the media, a posting celebrating the denial of living space for travellers, comments slagging off female comrades on grounds of their appearance, contributors attacked using homophobic insults.. the list goes on. And precious few contributors seem to challenge any of it.
>So according to the swp, indymedia contributors and >readers, are not sufficiently 'developed' politically to >understand what they should!!
So I guess I'm asking for anyone who feels the same to add a comment, just to re-assure me it's still worth posting up left-wing, progressive stuff here.
>Well, guess you're trying to get a reaction. Problem is >that the discussion, and action has moved on again. Unlike >you sad, authoritarian 'socialists' who continue to >swallow the party line you're fed, lots of people have >discarded leaders, and started to think for themselves.
question everything ....
well this has been educational!
08.02.2002 11:07
My original post was intended to express concern at racism, sexism and homophobia going unchallenged, and to see if many/any IMC readers felt the same.
Thanks to those who responded seriously, even those who felt the need to call me a vampire while doing so! ;-)
But (and here's the lesson for me) certain others leapt to the assumption that I was demanding censorship, even though I explicitly rejected it.
Why? Simply because I admit to being in the SWP. Which casts an interesting light on these folks' claim to be part of an open-minded, un-prejudiced movement.
And in short order the same people then segued into their usual self-congratulatory kill-the-trots-fest; which, oddly and worryingly, seems to go hand-in-hand with a defence of 'ironic' sexism).
For me, as I said earlier, the lesson is to post more news and fewer comments (a relief for all?), and to sadly accept that certain folk will refuse to consider anything I say simply because I belong to a taboo organisation.
Censorship and the SWP
08.02.2002 11:25
The SWP has a right to state its line and we have a right to disagree, but that does not justify the kind of infantile bickering by self-proclaimed anarchists. Like it or not, the SWP and its sister organisations - ANL and Globalise Resistance - have a place in the anti-capitalist movement and they are not going to go away. Their members are just as dedicated and sincere as the rest of us in working towards a more just and equal society.
At a time when the world's richest nations are at war with the poorest and when our liberties are under attack for opposing this system of oppression and plunder, it is important to have civilised dialogue.
Daniel Brett
08.02.2002 11:51
I think it does
08.02.2002 12:28
Vulgar anarchism
08.02.2002 12:43
Daniel Brett
Don't worry Fred.
08.02.2002 13:48
Censorship my eye
08.02.2002 17:37
Julie Burchill
Reasonable criticism and unreasonable loathin
08.02.2002 18:51
I don't like the SWP as an organisation. They reduce politics to paper sales and recruitment and have little conception of democracy. They can be a real pain in the arse to deal with, getting involved in a campaign to make a few recruits and then running off after the next shiny source of paper sales. Given a choice, when I was living in Dublin, I would always prefer to see a member of say the WSM at a campaign meeting than an SWPer - at least I know that the WSMer would try to see the campaign through and wouldn't judge it primarily in terms of organisational gains.
That said, the unreasoning hostility to them here is a bit worrying. Most members of the SWP are sincere socialists, which makes them anti-capitalists just as much as the anarchist part of the movement. They join their organisation because they want to make the world a better place. Some of them are wankers, some are alright, some are nice - just like other socialists or anarchists. Some of them are even pretty good activists.
We do need to prevent the SWP from exercising the kind of hegemony they would like over the left, but shouting abuse them isn't the way to do it.
Brian Cahill - ISR
Boshevik methods
09.02.2002 02:45
The struggle against power/authoritarianism surely doesn't end when someone says they are a member of a political party, and a party political alliance united in their strange worship of their fellow kin in parliament?
Hasn't that happened before, with the slaughter of thousands (who can put numbers on people who feel this society is wrong?) Discussions about censorship and every other, tried and tested, method of silencing people who refuse to tow the party line, should be, I feel discussed whenever anyone wants to talk about it. I hope it's ongoing, because if we forget, you can be sure the authoritarians/capitalists will try, when it comes to the crunch, to impose their ideas on the rest of us.
Maybe I'm just an un-ununderstander.
Let's debate everything..
Yes, the swp and their ilk could be ignored, but is that really wise?
It's not about selling papers, or ideas, but an attempt to flood the anti-capitalist movement with 'cadres'.
We stood accused after J18, and throughout the miners strike, the poll tax, of being disorganised :-)
I don't care for politicians, of any political party, and especially their apolagists.
Thinking about, analysing all the enemies of a different way of living/being, is one of a number of converging, ongoing debates isn't it?
WGI do