Five things the movie "Collateral Damage" will not tell you about Colombia
Canada-Colombia Solidarity Campaign | 06.02.2002 15:50
The attached leaflet is part of a worldwide information campaign about Colombia, in view of the release of the movie "COLLATERAL DAMAGE", which provides a skewed and limited view on Colombia. The distorted and limited information given by the movie can manipulate the public into accepting
or promoting more violence and bloodshed of Colombia's people. You can help by inviting people to inform them beyond the content of the movie.
The attached leaflet is part of a worldwide information campaign about Colombia, in view of the release of the movie "COLLATERAL DAMAGE", which provides a skewed and limited view on Colombia. The distorted and limited information given by the movie can manipulate the public into accepting
or promoting more violence and bloodshed of Colombia's people. You can help by inviting people to inform them beyond the content of the movie.
1. Print, Copy and distribute the attached leaflet widely. Target recipients are theatre audiences (theatre ques), university and high school students, union locals and others.
2. Forward electronic copies with these suggestions through your e-mail networks and list serves, as widely and quickly as possible.
3. Contact your local media (T.V., radio, press, etc) and provide them with the leaflet and this information.
4. Contact your local parliament representatives and local authorities and inform them of this information campaign.
5. For any further information, check or write to
6. Any other ideas and initiatives are welcome.
The Canada-Colombia Solidarity Campaign:
122 St.Patrick Street Suite 20-113 Toronto, Ontario M5T 2X8
Website: Email:
In Toronto: 416-533-8305 Fax: 416.533-6871
In Ottawa: 613-747-9930
1. Print, Copy and distribute the attached leaflet widely. Target recipients are theatre audiences (theatre ques), university and high school students, union locals and others.
2. Forward electronic copies with these suggestions through your e-mail networks and list serves, as widely and quickly as possible.
3. Contact your local media (T.V., radio, press, etc) and provide them with the leaflet and this information.
4. Contact your local parliament representatives and local authorities and inform them of this information campaign.
5. For any further information, check

6. Any other ideas and initiatives are welcome.
The Canada-Colombia Solidarity Campaign:
122 St.Patrick Street Suite 20-113 Toronto, Ontario M5T 2X8

In Toronto: 416-533-8305 Fax: 416.533-6871
In Ottawa: 613-747-9930
Canada-Colombia Solidarity Campaign