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Canadian VisionTV's "The Great Deception" continues to question events of 9-11

undo the coup d'état! | 06.02.2002 05:38

Watch the feature article on Hamilton Indymedia after every Monday night's VisionTV series "the Great Deception" for updates. ....AND PLEASE SEND IN YOUR EMAILS OF SUPPORT TO VISIONTV!!

From Hamilton Indymedia

February 4th Program

The third segment in the "Great Deception" series of commentaries by VisionTV’s Barry Zwicker dealt with Osama Bin Laden and his links to international intelligence organizations – more specifically the CIA, Saudi intelligence and the ISI (Pakistani Intelligence). Zwicker focused on three books that detail Bin Laden’s on-going links to the CIA and ISI, that began during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan during the early 1980s:

Based on his discussion of the content of these books, Zwicker asks if Bin Laden is still employed by the CIA and if he is simply being used as a scapegoat.

Read the transcript from this program.

Click here for rebroadcast times of this program.

Please send messages of support to VisionTV for asking these crucial questions on national and satellite television.

Next week’s commentary: "Bush and the Oiligarchy"

undo the coup d'état!
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VisionTV Support Letter - DON'T STOP

06.02.2002 20:08


Dear Vision TV,

Your MedialFile programs featuring Barrie Zwicker's questions about Sept. 11 are excellent and very gladly received (VisionTV Insight MediaFile

They are so effective that about now you will probably start feeling heat from the corporate and government powers-that-be who want these questions buried because asking them disturbs their nefarious agenda of increasing global control.


Do not be intimidated by their pressures or threats.

You have us - your vast, intense and fervent audience on your side. Plus you are making new friends all over the world who have heard what you are doing and are intensely interested and pleased with your efforts.

Until the forces of repression gun us all down we are going to operate as if we still live in a democracy and demand our voice be heard and yours not be silenced.

When you do start getting pressure to back off this vitally important line of inquiry you are on, TELL US. Don't suffer attempts at intimidation in fearful silence or imposed secrecy. Tell us who is trying to muzzle you and how and we will respond with such targeted political and spiritual pressure to counter theirs that it will astonish them.

Also, do not think that after a few short programs you have exhausted this subject and its time to move on to something else.

If this matter of the gigantic lies that have been perpetrated upon us - unleashing the accelerated imposition of the New World Order - is not confronted now, there will be no new subjects of any major importance to move on to. Because the noose will have been slipped and the trap sprung.

You are now an essential part of what is left of democracy and freedom on this planet fighting for its life. Do not stop, do not give up, do not acquiesce to intimidation.

If there was ever a time to hold fast to your calling as a citizen it is now. And if there was ever an issue which justified going all out to be true to yourselves, and us, it is this - the demand for truth about Sept. 11.

Be encouraged, be strong, be brave and do not stop, no matter who or what comes against you .

Show this letter to your Board of Directors and anyone else in your organisation who needs their resolve strengthened.

You are doing this for us and we are with you, resisting the darkness and demanding the truth by your side.


Your viewers, as represented by this one,

Terry Burrows, Toronto.
Sovereign private Canadian citizen.

I encourage all my fellow sovereign private Canadian citizens and citizens from all over the world to send similar letters of support to Vision TV. We all need to hear from each other now as never before. Don't be shy. Don't be reticent. Get typing. There is a beautiful and decent world to fight for.

Terry Burrows
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