Cliff Baxter's "suicide"
Sherman Skolnick | 03.02.2002 20:30
Former Enron vice-chairman, J. Clifford Baxter, was apparently "suicided" to protect the White House and Daddy Bush and his Family. This was similar to the way Clinton White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was likewise "suicided" early in the Clinton Administration to prevent testimony from being available that most likely would have sent President Clinton and his wife to federal prison.
Former Enron vice-chairman, J. Clifford Baxter, was apparently "suicided" to protect the White House and Daddy Bush and his Family. This was similar to the way Clinton White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was likewise "suicided" early in the Clinton Administration to prevent testimony from being available that most likely would have sent President Clinton and his wife to federal prison.

Sherman Skolnick
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04.02.2002 00:02
Sherman Skolnick on Cliff Baxter’s "suicide." from:
Former Enron vice-chairman, J. Clifford Baxter, was apparently "suicided" to protect the White House and Daddy Bush and his Family. This was similar to the way Clinton White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was likewise "suicided" early in the Clinton Administration to prevent testimony from being available that most likely would have sent President Clinton and his wife to federal prison. Baxter’s reputed "smoking gun" documents are apparently circulating in the alternative media underground. They show the numerous Enron secret partnerships relating to the following
=== the laundering of part of 40 million dollars of dope trafficking funds of the Medellin Colombia dope cartel, a co-founder of which was Carlos Lehder, a business partner of the Bush Family, according to hands-tied law enforcement personnel. With the connivance of Daddy Bush, as the former head of the American Secret Political Police, Lehder’s fellow co-founder, Pablo Escobar, was assassinated to protect the Bush Family from federal criminal prosecutions.
=== Baxter knew about how James Baker 3rd, cabinet member in the Daddy Bush White House Administration, together with Marc Racicot [pronounced ROSS-coe] reportedly used part of the 40 million dollars of dope funds to bribe and influence southern Florida DEMOCRATS to block the vote recount. The result although Al Gore, Jr., won the popular vote nationwide by six hundred thousand votes, he lost by way of the Electoral College trick in Florida and was not inaugurated. [Visit our year 2000 Election website series, comparing the situation to the infamous 1876 Election.]
===_Federal Reserve Commissar Alan Redspan [that is what we call the Dictator] siphoned off hundreds of millions of secret Enron partnership funds, multiplied through fractional reserves and derivatives hocus-pucus, to temporarily support the Dow Jones 30 Industrials. Thus for the moment saving Bush from having to deal with a financial meltdown which he most likely could not effectively deal with. Old-timers say Bush was in danger of being "Hoover-ized", referring to President Herbert Hoover, 1930-31, falsely stating "prosperity is just around the corner". The September 11 events effectively prevented for the moment Bush having to deal with a gold stampede which would tend to discredit the Federal Reserve’s hot-air paper money masquerading as the "U.S. Dollar". [See part two of this Enron website series.]
=== There are documents tending to show direct links to the Enron secret partnership funds, offshore, with George W. Bush and Richard Cheney. This might cause the downfall of the American Government as we know it. [For background, visit our website series, "The Overthrow of the American Republic".]
Baxter offered to co-operate with one or more Congressional committees. His testimony, from direct personal knowledge, with his documents, would tend to destroy George W. Bush and Richard Cheney as having concealed their direct links to the massive Enron swindles. Baxter also apparently was ready to break ranks with the other Enron officials and directors, who together are defendants with Baxter in various class action pending court cases. Further, Baxter’s direct knowledge and documents would tend to expose beyond salvage, Arthur Andersen as a corrupt auditing and consulting operation, that cannot be relied on to supposedly examine the books of publicly-traded firms and consult with them about their operations. Aiding the class action plaintiffs in their claims, Baxter would have broken up the otherwise united front and defense of the Enron defendants.
Notice that Baxter was "suicided" in Sugarland, Texas, same location as the oil pipeline consortium had for negotiating with the top Taliban officials on behalf of Osama bin Laden. [Visit our website item, "The Pipeline Plots".]
There is a half-a-loaf explanation for the demise of J. Clifford Baxter. Was Baxter done in by the American Secret Political Police like inflicted on World War Two German General Edwin Rommel by the Gestapo (for plotting against Hitler)? "You are endangering our leader. Here is a gun. Go shoot yourself. If not, we are here to shoot you. Either way, we guarantee the safety of your family."