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Malaga anti-deportation camp violently evicted

ninguna | 31.01.2002 20:07

Police have evicted the camp outside a detention centre in Malaga, Spain, and have seriously beaten two protesters.

On the 29th of January, at 6 am, police have violently dispersed the camp outside the Malaga detention centre as protesters tried to stop the vans which were carrying 23 detained Nigerians to be deported. People blocked roads and chained themselves to the gates of the centre, but were forcibly removed. After the skirmishes, and as protesters prepared to temporarily leave the area, police officers grabbed two of the campers and took them inside the detention building, where they said they were savagely and gratuitously beaten. One of the protesters, Nico Sguiglia, presents injuries to his chin, while his compañero Kepa Blanco had his head cracked open. The pair were held overnight, and have been released on bail, after being charged with assault on the police. However, an inmigration lawyer who happened to be inside the buiding has contradicted the police version, becoming a defence witness.

This incident has been widely reported in Spanish media and has started a national debate on both detention centres and repressive policing.
The organisers of the camp are preparing demonstrations in Malaga with the support of a wide array of unions and NGOs, while events in the rest of the country are being currently discussed. For more info contact:

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