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Unions persist againgst council onslaught

Hackney Unison | 30.01.2002 01:11

Hackney Council workers and community representatives are organising to challenge the corrupt, incompetent and morally bankrupt east London authority.

After years of constant cuts, the authority plans further desperate cuts and a 10% hike in council tax to service a massive debt hangover. Libraries, nurseries, and home care provision are all under the axe.

Hackney Unison has been at the forefront of a campaign to prevent council cuts since the council entered financial free fall just over a year ago. The council eventually forced through cuts in pay and conditions by dismissing a thousand workers and offering them their jobs back on worse contracts. The Branch has also lodged over 350 Employment Tribunals over the attacks on terms and conditions.

In the middle of last year the council sacked the branch's joint chief negotiator, in August the Branch Chair and a senior steward were suspended, (all charges against them were later dropped after a sustained campaign). In November the Branch Secretary was threatened with dismissal after sending an email on the council server asking members to attend a lobby against cuts (again all charges have been dropped). A poster campaign and an accompanying advert in the local paper stated plainly 'Labour Councillors have you no shame'. The campaign eventually caused the Labour council to withdraw some of the worst and least lawful cuts, but they have all begun to re-appear as next years budget proves even less stable than those of previous years.

In January in a further attack on trade union organisation the employer effectively de-recognised the branch equalities officer and the senior health and safety rep.

However, the branch refuses to lie down and six days of branch wide strike action have been followed by nine weeks of Saturday strikes by library workers in response to the council's unilateral decision to withdraw their Saturday pay. A council 'compromise' of a short term re-instatement of Saturday pay was rejected at a mass meeting on Friday because workers had lost all trust in management, and because the compromise was to be funded through a re-organisation which would close yet another library. These workers are defending national terms and conditions, and the branch urgently needs support for its strike fund.

Hackney Unison


Hide the following 6 comments

contact info request

30.01.2002 13:15

Please could you post up contact details for Hackney UNISON for messages of support, strike fund donations etc?



30.01.2002 14:15

Hackney Union is seeking support for its strike and campaign funds. (donations
to Hackney Unison at 2 Hillman Street, Hackney, London E9)

hackney unison

Political Fund

30.01.2002 21:14

Everyone must know by know (brainwashed reformist Trots excepted) that the Labour Party has nothing in common with union members or their interests. It's only the scum in charge of the unions who have any interest in maintaining the link. Why not contact your wages department and get the political levy stopped from your subscriptions? It's better off in your pocket than in the coffers of some political party/group/'alliance' who will only do you over if they ever come into power. Opt out before you inadvertantly help another shower of shite stant in yet another useless election.


minor correction

31.01.2002 15:45

In fact, us brainwashed reformist Trots are currently trying to free the trade union political funds from being tied to New Labour. We want union members to be free to vote to fund any party they want, or indeed none at all!

There's a conference coming up on this very issue, for any trade unionists interested. Further details here:

- Homepage:


31.01.2002 15:51

Must try harder! This link should work:

- Homepage:

Political Fund again

31.01.2002 20:26

In my union (CWU) we are probably looking at no more than seven or eight pounds a year. Nothing really. It's just the idea of paying to help another set of bosses to rule over us which we in our delivery office object to. Staff know where the money goes and what it's spent on and we don't want a single penny spent on the Labour Party or any SWP front group like SA, ANL. GR or any other balls the Trot clowns wish to juggle with. In fact, whatever else members differ on, not paying money for people to stand in senseless elections or donating cash to help Trot publicity campaigns is a strong uniting factor and rates along side fighting both management and the leadership of the CWU. None of us will be turning up at any conference to listen to some prick from the SA (who were stuffed all over Lancashire by assorted fascist groups) inviting US to fund THEM.
