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eric harris and the columbine massacre

dwight heet | 27.01.2002 00:02

Eric was a mind controlled kid, screwed by his father. An in depth analysis of a universal mindfuck. Perhaps we need something as thorough on Thomas Hamilton,freemason and Prozac-user and the Dunblane massacre.

dwight heet


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Of course

27.01.2002 08:07

Its obviously those damn pinko commies trying to take our guns away and forcibly convert us to papism, while destroying the white race by forcing it to crossbreed with alien experiments cunningly hidden in area 51 so the illuminati can take over the world for their 12 foot shapeshifting paedophile lizard masters. And if you think different, you're mind controlled too. Now get in that damn car, John-Boy!


Why, oh why, oh why....?

28.01.2002 23:28

Quickly skimmed through this and saw the quote "this crap is very likely AFFECTING OUR MINDS". Quite.

Julie Burchill