Millennium Leia | 26.01.2002 19:34
Actvists are anticipated to stage protests about corporations being granted further rights to sue after broader trade-negotiating authority were granted in the US. Meanwhile in the UK, Blair is busy supporting the richest local authority known as the City of London in its bid to give businesses the right to vote like people. This fast-track bill is seeking to destroy democracy in the East End.
Actvists resisting any of the above can participate in open actions or email the WEF amongst others. The address is below:
World Economic Forum Claudia Gonzalez E-mail: claudia.gonzalez@weforum.org or AppsTech Lilian Oben, 301/961-1951 E-mail: loben@appstech.com.
Bush, the President apparent has handed out a political mandate that enabled the House passed the fast-track bill in a 215-to-214 vote on December 6, the scene, in the words of one union lobbyist, "was like a Sotheby's auction-and just as rigged."
The closeness of the vote partially reflects the effort undertaken by hundreds of labor, environmental, and public-interest organizations to derail it. Public Citizen took out ads in major daily and Hill papers that claimed the legislation would "undermine the vital Constitutional checks and balances wisely created by our nation's founders." The AFL-CIO and other major unions blitzed the airwaves and launched call-in efforts, and multiple environmental groups, including the Sierra Club, urged House members to oppose the bill because it would, among other things, grant corporations the ability to sue governments for profit losses that result from regulatory laws. The Senate Finance Committee recently approved trade-promotion authority in an 18-to-3 vote, a sign of the ease with which it is expected to pass when it comes to a floor vote early this year.
Also on the globalization front is the January 31-February 5 meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), held this year in New York because of security worries in the Swiss ski resort town. Considered to be among the most important annual discussions between the world's political and business leaders on globalization, the WEF allows only a small number of critics from nongovernmental organizations to participate in the talks. That's why an ad hoc affiliation of NGOs, called the Knickerbocker Fair Trade Campaign, has formed to hold Davos by the Hudson: six days of peaceful protest, teach-ins, and town hall meetings. Additionally, a counter-WEF week of talks is being sponsored by the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, where 3,000 economists and activists will gather for the second time to create alternative visions of globalization.
As one activist said "We have more ways and we are everywhere"
Build a collective vision
Love to you all
World Economic Forum Claudia Gonzalez E-mail: claudia.gonzalez@weforum.org or AppsTech Lilian Oben, 301/961-1951 E-mail: loben@appstech.com.
Bush, the President apparent has handed out a political mandate that enabled the House passed the fast-track bill in a 215-to-214 vote on December 6, the scene, in the words of one union lobbyist, "was like a Sotheby's auction-and just as rigged."
The closeness of the vote partially reflects the effort undertaken by hundreds of labor, environmental, and public-interest organizations to derail it. Public Citizen took out ads in major daily and Hill papers that claimed the legislation would "undermine the vital Constitutional checks and balances wisely created by our nation's founders." The AFL-CIO and other major unions blitzed the airwaves and launched call-in efforts, and multiple environmental groups, including the Sierra Club, urged House members to oppose the bill because it would, among other things, grant corporations the ability to sue governments for profit losses that result from regulatory laws. The Senate Finance Committee recently approved trade-promotion authority in an 18-to-3 vote, a sign of the ease with which it is expected to pass when it comes to a floor vote early this year.
Also on the globalization front is the January 31-February 5 meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), held this year in New York because of security worries in the Swiss ski resort town. Considered to be among the most important annual discussions between the world's political and business leaders on globalization, the WEF allows only a small number of critics from nongovernmental organizations to participate in the talks. That's why an ad hoc affiliation of NGOs, called the Knickerbocker Fair Trade Campaign, has formed to hold Davos by the Hudson: six days of peaceful protest, teach-ins, and town hall meetings. Additionally, a counter-WEF week of talks is being sponsored by the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, where 3,000 economists and activists will gather for the second time to create alternative visions of globalization.
As one activist said "We have more ways and we are everywhere"
Build a collective vision
Love to you all
Millennium Leia
www. forumsocialmundial.org.br