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Do not feed Ariel Sharon (cartoon by Latuff)

Latuff | 24.01.2002 20:49

Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people.

Support International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila. Click on the link below for details.

Do not feed Ariel Sharon (cartoon by Latuff)
Do not feed Ariel Sharon (cartoon by Latuff)

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This isn't comic

24.01.2002 22:45

I saw this evening a comment on this cartoon on the israelian Indymedia pages:
"Vulgar cartoon
by Dan from Raanana 9:54pm Thu Jan 24 '02

I happen to agree with the content of the cartoon; however, the piles of shit, and genitals revealed really do not lend themselves to cartoonist satire, but to vulgar shit, pardon me.

The cartoon discredits itself. I might even agree that it is Antisemitic, being that Sharon equates himself with the whole of the Jewish peoples's past and present. I consider him a war criminal.

No more war crimes!

And to the folks who like this kind of cartoon...

shame on you"

I think he is right!!


Tom Welschen
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Poor baffled Tom

24.01.2002 23:06

Congratulations on your (lack of) insight. Kick it tuffy.



24.01.2002 23:39

Great cartoon!


Never Again?

25.01.2002 01:06

The turds are terrific but you were over-generous with the genetalia. Sharon has got no balls. And as we are being asked to remember the Holocaust again, lest we forget, because it was over half-a-century ago, and in the interim period there has been a catalogue of similar atrocities worldwide against all manner of peoples, isn't it ironic that what we are implored to remember is that Hitler equated the Jews with rats, to validate genocide, while today, the Israelis call Palestinians cockroaches, to make them appear sub-human and justify their ethnic cleansing?


tom welschen si spande?

25.01.2002 12:21

welschen - qualcuno poco fa ha lamentato la tua onnipresenza ipercritica su indy italia ed allora adesso ti spargi altrove?

penso che l'invito fosse al raccoglimento ed al non sentirti obbligato a dire la tua su tutto e tutti piuttosto che semplicemente ad iniziare a fare lo stesso altrove...

chaise longue

Inymedia è nostra!!!

25.01.2002 13:30

al solito anonimus chaise longue :

forse ti sei accorto che questo cartoon è mandato al mezzo mondo. Vuoi proibirmi a fare altretanto!|?
Fai capire benissimo la vostra mentalità stalinista. Se ci fosse ancora la possibiltà a aprire i campi di concentramento!!
Avete proprio rotto le scatelo. Andate cagare tutti i quanti!

By the way..cosa fai tu a questa pagina inglese. Hai capito che ipocrito sei!!

tom welschen
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Ariel Sharon

25.01.2002 14:59

He's got one thing in common with Hitler anyway. Judging by the cartoon, he's also only GOT ONE BALL!

Dave C.

Hey Tom

25.01.2002 16:22

Realmente dovreste spiegare la suddetta conversazione in inglese. Sembra essere cadere fra * camerati * - lo Stalinists? - dicaci di più. E che cosa sono le vostre affiliazioni politiche, Tom?

You really should explain the above conversation in English. Seems to be a falling out amongst the *comrades* - Stalinists? - tell us more. And what are your political affiliations, Tom?


Please let's sign with a email adress

25.01.2002 17:43

I'm sorry for the italian language. It wasn't me who started to use another language. As a matter a fact there are people in Italy -and not only there- who never sign with a email adress. For that reasen somebody as chaise longue and others send their personal attacks/bullshit to Indymedia and not to the personal email adress. It's not only a question of style. It's like throwing the stone and hiding the hand [that's for example also the mentality of the black blockists]. The Indymedia pages would be much more interesting as all this low level debates [the italian pages are full of it, unfortunately] would disappaer to the personal correpondance. But as some people like to hide their adresses and back ground..

Some peeple claim Indymedia as Their medium of propaganda, forgetting that -fortunately- there are existing, still, several kind of visions and opinions. Their claim represent the worst kind of violence, the beginning of creating the circomstances fitted for all kind of totalitarian fenomenon, like stalinism and fascism [who don't think like us, is to eliminate]. I continue putting my emailadress hoping that this room can be used for things of more general interests.
it was albout this...

tom welschen
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clarifications for @

25.01.2002 20:02

yeah @ sorry about the italian lingo but my twopennies' wasn't really meant for public consumption as much as for the author of the comment that preceded me - just, as you noticed, a bit of polemicism between "comrades" i suppose you could say.

As we're into english mode now, and apologising for taking up bandwidth to anyone else who quite rightly will not be interested, for your info just to clarify that a few people have got into the habit of commenting every other piece of news on indy italy, someone else has pointed out that the world would still spin round even if these people failed to enlighten us on their personal opinion for a few minutes at a go, i have taken it up here (as politically-correct criticism of CARTOONS for christ's sake is something that i think our hallowed pages could do quite well without) and as a result have ended up being called a mindless-cowardly-black block / fascist / stalinist wannabe ... oh well.

Anyway compliments on your italian it is not bad, just a word of warning though: in italian historically "camerata" (although with the same etimology as "comrade") is actually used by fascists for each other, the lefty equivalent is "compagno/a". Keep it in mind or you might elicit a few raised eyebrows from some literally minded italian speakers!

chaise longue