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Arrafat prepares for final showdown

dh | 23.01.2002 23:34

Those prepared to demonstrate against alleged Israeli aggression against the Palestinians should be aware that MOSSAD front DEBKAfiles has conclusive proof that Yasser is prepared for the final showdown with 20000 police and heavy weaponry



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get a grip

24.01.2002 08:00

Since when does demolishing homes, luring children into deadly traps, poisoning wells,
shelling refugees, completely shutting down villages . the list goes on ever mean that the Israeli's could take any high moral ground. Wake up and start reading some real news and not CNN and you'll find out how some sections of Palestein live in defacto concentration camps. Looks like the Israelis learned a trick or two from the NAZIs.



24.01.2002 11:01

DEBKA's a Mossad/Zionist propaganda front, and useful to view for all that. From the articles posted I think we can glean that the final crushing of Palestinian territories will be presented to the world (or the Americans at least) as Osama's Last Stand, in the unfortunate absence of the Evil One himself.
