Indymedia's Guide to the World Economic Forum
NYC Indymedia | 22.01.2002 18:40
Beginning January 31, the Swiss-based World Economic Forum will hold its first annual meeting ever in the United States in New York City at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel.Thousands of
protesters are expected to converge in the New York. To help make
sense of it all, the New York City Independent Media Center offers this factsheet on the World Economic Forum.
protesters are expected to converge in the New York. To help make
sense of it all, the New York City Independent Media Center offers this factsheet on the World Economic Forum.
Beginning January 31, the Swiss-based World Economic Forum will
hold its first annual meeting ever in the United States in New
York City at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Thousands of
anti-corporate globalization protesters are expected to converge
to demonstrate against the WEF. Indymedia offers this guide to the
Forum and the protests.
Beginning January 31, the Swiss-based World Economic Forum will
hold its first annual meeting ever in the United States in New
York City at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Some 3,200 business
leaders, politicians, journalists and academics will meet behind
closed doors to set an agenda for the global economy. Thousands of
protesters are expected to converge in the New York. To help make
sense of it all, the New York City Independent Media Center offers
this factsheet on the World Economic Forum. If you have questions
please email us.
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Table of Contents
What is the World Economic Forum?
Why is the Forum meeting in New York?
What impact will the meeting have on the city?
Who is protesting the WEF?
Why are people protesting?
What is the connection between the World Economic Forum and the
World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade
How effective has the WEF been?
What has happened at previous WEF meetings?
What is the connection between the World Economic Forum and the
World Social Forum?
- ------------
The fact sheet follows at
The most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen.
------------Justice Louis Brandeis
hold its first annual meeting ever in the United States in New
York City at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Thousands of
anti-corporate globalization protesters are expected to converge
to demonstrate against the WEF. Indymedia offers this guide to the
Forum and the protests.
Beginning January 31, the Swiss-based World Economic Forum will
hold its first annual meeting ever in the United States in New
York City at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Some 3,200 business
leaders, politicians, journalists and academics will meet behind
closed doors to set an agenda for the global economy. Thousands of
protesters are expected to converge in the New York. To help make
sense of it all, the New York City Independent Media Center offers
this factsheet on the World Economic Forum. If you have questions
please email us.
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Table of Contents
What is the World Economic Forum?
Why is the Forum meeting in New York?
What impact will the meeting have on the city?
Who is protesting the WEF?
Why are people protesting?
What is the connection between the World Economic Forum and the
World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade
How effective has the WEF been?
What has happened at previous WEF meetings?
What is the connection between the World Economic Forum and the
World Social Forum?
- ------------
The fact sheet follows at

The most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen.
------------Justice Louis Brandeis
NYC Indymedia