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Bush Daddy = A Calf Idol ?

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel&q | 19.01.2002 15:48

Maybe a half idol !

My Daddy said that the "Buzzards gotta eat!" justification (Jer. 34:20) for littering the landscape with lawless ones is peculiar in that Jeremiah 34:18 refers to God's treating the slavedriving Israelites " the calf they cut in two..". In one of the few other pertinent references to "calf" in Hosea 8:5-6, the "calf of Samaria" may actually refer to Bush Daddy himself or any of the numerous Messiah-wannabes of Bush Daddy Tribe; i.e. the "revolt of Jacob"(Mic. 1:5 Id=102423). As you should know, Bush Daddy is rather enamored with the lawlessness of Samaria (Id=101974), and he will probably be "broken to pieces" when they "drop..him from the sky" because he "dreamed that he could fly" (Is. 14:12-13; Hosea 10:15; Id=36001). Because he said that he was going to be a king or some other damn thing, all of the Messiah-wannabes and other leaders of Bush Daddy Tribe have obeyed and idolized him as the uncrowned king of "Babylon on the Potomac" (Is. 14:4), not understanding that he was destined to be the Great Dead King of Israel (Dan. 7:4; Hosea 10:3,15)through whom God's words will be fulfilled (Rev. 17:17) by the surviving lawless ones of the "revolt of Jacob".

Since the lawless holywannabes of the "revolt of Jacob" have been murdering innocent people who were not opposing them (James 5:6); in their attempt to efface Israel from being a nation (Ps. 83:4; Id=93509); "the godly have been swept away from the land, not one upright man remains" (Mic. 7:2). The lawless holywannabes of Bush Daddy's Tribe are the last Israelite-wannabes left in the land. Whether they were impersonating the meek who are to inherit the earth (Mt. 5:5) or murdering innocent people as a favor to God (John 16:2); they have singled themselves out as having aspired to be God's chosen people (1 Peter 2:9); i.e. the Israelites. Of course they know that judgment begins with the family of God (1 Peter 4:17); thus these holywannabes will surely be ready "to declare the majesties of the one who called them out of the darkness into His wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9). Whether the lawless survivors end up at the Love Festivals of Hooterville or go to the Judean Embassies (Id=29190 & 104469), the smart ones who choose the Path That Leads To Life will bear the indignation of the Lord because they have sinned against Him, until He pleads their case and executes judgment for them (Mic. 7:9). The righteous Israelites have perished to be spared from evil (Is. 57:1); but their work lives on after them (Dan. 12:3; Rev. 12:11). The lawless ones of Jacob; i.e. Bush Daddy's Tribe; i.e. this perverted form of Zionism will go into captivity (Ez. 39:25). Some will become captive under the "stick" of Joseph, a tribe of aliens from the ancient mountains (Ids=45696 & 93606). Some will become captive under the "stick" of Judah and be captives at the Judean Embassies or among those who build the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. Before the "stick" of Joseph and the "stick" of Judah become one nation on the mountains of Israel, many of the lawless Israelite-wannabes will fall, and their bones along with the bones of the fallen Israelites whose graves He will open will end up in the "valley of dry bones", which may be the Susquehanna River Valley (Ez. 37:1-23).

All of this will come as a result of the worship of the "calf of Samaria", which is probably Bush Daddy and the other prominent leaders of this perverted form of Zionism; thus it is really the "calf of Zionism", and "calf" must be an acronym for something; i.e. C.A.L.F.. I thought that it might be Cornell's Authoritive Larks of Folly in the light of their attempts to make good on my fourth false arrest in Tompkins County. They tried to make it look like I keep asking to go back on campus, and there have been many attempts to force me to use an alternate bus route that crosses campus where I would probably be forced off the bus by any emergency that they could fabricate. Since their "game plan" for this arrest was probably to get me out of the hands of the police and under the care of someone like the illiterate Dr. Exarchou (Id=62371) for mental evaluation; I am trying to get the Cornell Police charged with assault, battery, abduction, abuse of power, etc. before they get a pack of liars to come denounce me in court. At the very least they should prove that they did not do these things to me. In keeping with the "Moronic Asbestoes Modus" Id=58159 that I first witnessed at Cornell, a dusting of snow a few days ago resulted in the highway crews dumping another load of brake dust on Route 13 (see Id=115043), filling this entire town with airborne fibers. This appears to be an ongoing practice with the highway crews believing that these microscopic fibers somehow promote traction while they know that these fibers become airborne, promoting asthma, calcification of the lungs, and early deaths (see Ids=59038, 60292, &87001). C.A.L.F. could also stand for the Censorous Anarchistic Loony Fools of Atlanta, Arizona, Chicago, DC, Madison, Maine, Hamilton, Ontario, UK, or Seattle IMCs. Although these fools who have been removing my articles without reading them or nary a comment go by many names like "Hugh, D. Hill, anti-spam, Karl, Doug, ML, Troy Prouty, saintVitus, andiarebeit, and T"; I bet that there are only three or four of them and that they are all from the Ithaca area. If I don't "shake the dust of these sites off my feet" after this article; it will be because I am trying to prevent the "Do Something! Quick!" Id=62855 mentality that led to the WTC disaster from developing in these professed strongholds of Bush Daddy Tribe (Amos 6:8). Maybe C.A.L.F. pertains to the Coprophagic Asinine Lovers of Feces (Id=70672); but I was looking for a more inclusive definition. Since there are so many Messiah-wannabes in addition to Bush Daddy (Ids= 43985 & 46236); one can only conclude that "calf" in reality refers to not gigolo (111857), schmuck (115043), or champion fool (118297) but Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fool = C.A.L.F.! And he may be sitting right next to you! Keep your powder dry!

Referenced articles are on To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".

Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

PS; As soon as I find his number, I will call "Cracked Investigator" David Barry so that he can ascertain that only babies fall off couches and that grown men put their foot (feet) in their mouth.

I am adding my poem here for later posts of this article
on problem sites since the behavior of those who are
hiding my articles is very similar to that of the gays
living in the "closet". I remind you once again that the
content of this poem came from gay newspapers in the
80s, for some gays were trying to coerce all gays into
coming out of the "closet". I wonder what happened to
to those gays who publicized this dark side of the gay
lifestyle. As you should know, I contend that this is the
best poem of the 20th century, and I submitted it to a
contest for that honor. The form of this poem is the
same as that used by A.E. Housman, and he won the
award although he did not perfect this form. This poem
has perfected it; but the matter for arguement is
probably the use of the word "where". Where is this
"closet"? Is it everywhere? Is there a place where this
"closet" doesn't exist? If you can't tell us about this
place, that is a "closet" in itself. Who knows what goes
on in the "closet"? If someone reveals them, they are
no longer in the "closet". This poem took me six days
to write. If you don't think it is a good poem, let me see
you duplicate this form of poetry.


Where love and truth wither and die,
Where gays say, "United we fly!"
Where yes means no, and no means yes,
Where those without can only guess.

Where selfish loveless people play,
Where those with God refuse to stay.
Where the game is played by the priest,
Where the one upheld is a "Beast".

Where folly reigns and lies are true,
Where jobs appear "out of the blue".
Where "fair is foul" and "foul is fair",
Where deceit reigns throughout the air.

Where gay women frustrate men,
Where those without are pecked like hens.
Where men are girls and girls are tough,
Where consummation's not enough.

Where darkness permits AIDS to thrive,
Where chaos reigns and talk is jive.
Where rational thought is not sought,
Where trained wisdom is all for naught.

Where the aim is domination,
Where drugs supply recreation.
Where plots and schemes are made to cheat,
Where crime and justice never meet.

Where's naught to fear but a number,
Where jests are made of His thunder.
Where the destination is hell,
Where they all say, "It's just as well."

UNTIL 12/25/02
Copyright 9/18/90 Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel&q
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  1. your brain is half -idle ! — armchair marxist