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Critical Mass in Manchester

Luddites United | 19.01.2002 12:57

Regular criticasl masses starting in Manchester, last Friday of every month.

Critical masses are a protest on bycicles, disrupting the morning rush hour on bikes to protest against car culture, pollution, global warming and anything else we care about enough to get out of bed for!
Meet 8am, outside the Whitworth Art Gallery, Oxford Road. Pedestrians are welcomed as well, as we need people to give out leaflets to passersby.
The next critical mass will be on Friday 25th of January.

Luddites United
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London Critical Mass?

19.01.2002 15:41

Does anyone know if there are any london critical mass rides planned or a notice board where I can check up on them? Sorry if this is a really dumb question.

Slow coach

london C M

19.01.2002 18:14

THE SOUTH BANK CENTER outside nft last fri of every month


Critical mass in Oxford

20.01.2002 22:13

Anyone interested in doing a critical mass in Oxford? Please email.

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