Gary Larrabee | 19.01.2002 04:24
New Jerusalem? The Bible speaks of a Holy City that will appear as a planet and will be called that Great City or Holy Jerusalem. The size of this incoming planet will be 12,000 Furlongs or 1,500 miles across. KX76 is estimated to be 12,000 Furlongs or larger. 12,000 Furlongs is 745 miles across.
Or Larger is the question could it end up being 24,140.45 Furlongs across? If so this would be the exact size of the New Jerusalem described in Revelation 21:9-27
Planet X which is scheduled to arrive in May of 2003 has an orbit of approximately 3,600 years. According to the Pyramid of Giza the Exodus out of Egypt was 1,553 BC which is 3,556 years to the date when Planet X arrives in May of 2003. Maybe this explains the forces that were used to have the plagues fall upon Egypt.
Prophecy of Psalms 2000 to 2005:
IN 2003
by Mark Hazlewood
Where Will You Be?
Will You Be Ready
#1 Question -- Will you be in a safe area? Will you be ready,
Do you really care for you and your loved ones lives?
We live in a binary system. Our suns dark twin lies toward the Orion galaxy. Planet X is a rogue planet or brown dwarf star. X's orbit takes it back and forth between both suns. It takes approximately 3660 years for one orbit.
X being a brown dwarf is very dense compared to a normal planet its same size. It's gravitional and magnetic pull on the planets it passes is so strong it disrupts their surfaces.
The molten liquid mainly iron ore core of Earth aligns quickly to X as it passes. The crust or surface resists somewhat. Earths crust separates with its liquid core and causes a physical pole shift. The new poles end up in completely different areas of the globe.
Mega world wide earthquakes, hurricanes and tidal waves result in a changed world. Water is the most dangerous part of the situation. Known earthquake zones where the plates meet will let loose. Land masses will rise and fall.
The evidence of this happening on a regular basis to Earth coinciding to X's orbit is overwhelming. There are clear translations from several ancient cultures that give detailed references to Planet X and all of our planets in our immediate solar system.
The controllers of Earths economies and media are fully aware and not allowing this out through the major media. A collapse of the stock and financial markets along with panic would insue if they did.
You've no doubt read the intuitives that have delicately been trying to warn the masses. I give you all the facts and reasons behind the events in a very undelicate, open, honest straight forward manner.
The media boys have already cryed wolf with Y2k and a simple planetary alignment that never caused any disruptions prior. Now the wolf of Planet X is at our door and you are getting the silent treatment.
Planet X Photo’s:
Planet X which is scheduled to arrive in May of 2003 has an orbit of approximately 3,600 years. According to the Pyramid of Giza the Exodus out of Egypt was 1,553 BC which is 3,556 years to the date when Planet X arrives in May of 2003. Maybe this explains the forces that were used to have the plagues fall upon Egypt.
Prophecy of Psalms 2000 to 2005:

IN 2003
by Mark Hazlewood

Where Will You Be?
Will You Be Ready
#1 Question -- Will you be in a safe area? Will you be ready,
Do you really care for you and your loved ones lives?
We live in a binary system. Our suns dark twin lies toward the Orion galaxy. Planet X is a rogue planet or brown dwarf star. X's orbit takes it back and forth between both suns. It takes approximately 3660 years for one orbit.
X being a brown dwarf is very dense compared to a normal planet its same size. It's gravitional and magnetic pull on the planets it passes is so strong it disrupts their surfaces.
The molten liquid mainly iron ore core of Earth aligns quickly to X as it passes. The crust or surface resists somewhat. Earths crust separates with its liquid core and causes a physical pole shift. The new poles end up in completely different areas of the globe.
Mega world wide earthquakes, hurricanes and tidal waves result in a changed world. Water is the most dangerous part of the situation. Known earthquake zones where the plates meet will let loose. Land masses will rise and fall.
The evidence of this happening on a regular basis to Earth coinciding to X's orbit is overwhelming. There are clear translations from several ancient cultures that give detailed references to Planet X and all of our planets in our immediate solar system.
The controllers of Earths economies and media are fully aware and not allowing this out through the major media. A collapse of the stock and financial markets along with panic would insue if they did.
You've no doubt read the intuitives that have delicately been trying to warn the masses. I give you all the facts and reasons behind the events in a very undelicate, open, honest straight forward manner.
The media boys have already cryed wolf with Y2k and a simple planetary alignment that never caused any disruptions prior. Now the wolf of Planet X is at our door and you are getting the silent treatment.
Planet X Photo’s:

Gary Larrabee
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