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Sabotage the cinemas showing pro-genocide film

Somali | 17.01.2002 20:08

Sick Americans flock to gory film which hides the truth of their government's war-crimes in Africa. The US invasion of Somalia in 1992 claimed hundreds of Somali lives and left warlords to torture, kill and rape innocent Somali citizens. Now on the eve of another war on one of the poorest countries, Americans are spreading lies and deceit through Hollywood. Death to the American Empire!

The US has claimed that the Al-ithad organisation, supposedly allied to Al-Qaeda, is being harboured by the transitional national government in Somalia and the Somaliland government. Both deny this and have stated the organisation is outlawed.

The US proxy armies of Ethiopia have already begun organising forces of warlords in the autonomous Somali region of Puntland, according to UN officials, the Rahanwein Resistance Army and local journalists. The warlords, who have ravaged the country in the past, have strong US business connections, control fiefdoms ruled by violence and are hoping to be swept to power like the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. In an interview in the New York Times on 8th January, the fascist Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz stated that Ethiopia and its Somali allies would be "exactly the kind of people" needed to fight the "war on terrorism".

After touring Somalia this month, journalist Hussein Ali Soke wrote: "I met some families that were traumatized by the previous US led 'operation restore hope’, young girls that were raped, families that lost their loved ones, and they don’t want any operations here and are ready to sabotage the mission. Most remain armed."

Fighting began in Puntland's capital of Garowe on Monday 14th when former Puntland leader Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf killed prominent businessman, Farah Muhammad Sa'id Gom'ad, on the eve of a summit of tribal elders gathering to discuss the US invasion. Many are seeing the US's hand behind this assassination as its attempt to intimidate local leaders to back its line.

The Americans want to destroy Somalia and Somaliland and wreck their tenuous governments on the basis of rumour and they insult Somalis with the film "Black Hawk Dawn" which transforms American genocidal murderers into "heros". The Americans are evil and their evil film must be stopped.

Go to your cinema and splash red paint on the billboards that advertise the film. Hand out leaflets exposing the war crimes of the Americans. chain yourselves to the doors and disrupt the viewing. Destroy this film which will give Americans the propaganda to invade and destroy Somalia again.

Death to the American Empire!



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Re: death to the american empire

18.01.2002 11:08

death to your empire as well, I'm sure it would be just as bad. anyone with power ends up using it to kill people. it's not the americans which are intrinsically evil, rather it's the corrupting influence of power.

someone should make a film showing the other side of the story told in black hawk down


So what do you want to do then...

18.01.2002 11:58

In any society, there will be power, institutional, personal, formal or informal. Should we not try to change things, just because you have theorised that power is bad? That view gets even more people killed!

If we at least don't try to get to Utopia, then we're as bad as the US. Not intervening is passive assistance.

Midnight Moron

What do you want to do then?

18.01.2002 12:00

In any society, there will be power, institutional, personal, formal or informal. Should we not try to change things, just because you have theorised that power is bad? That view gets even more people killed!

If we at least don't try to get to Utopia, then we're as bad as the US. Not intervening is passive assistance.

Midnight Moron

Americans ARE evil

18.01.2002 12:10

Americans voted for Bush, 80 per cent of Americans support Bush's terror campaign, Americans don't care about justice or fairness, Americans just want war and war in their arrogant domination of the world, Americans are murdering millions of people. Their empire needs to fall. I dont want to kill Americans. I just want to see them at the same level as everyone else in this world instead of dictating how we should all be.

Remember the story of Daniel when he interpreted the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. He saw a terrible statue whose head was of fine gold, "his breast and his arms were of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron and part of clay. Then from a mountain a stone was cut out without hands and struck the image, breaking it to pieces; and the stone became a great mountain and filled the whole earth."

All Empires have feet of clay no matter how large and glorious they look. We need to strike the American Empire's feet of clay and rejoice as it falls just as Babylon fell. Then Americans can join civilisation instead of exporting genocide around the world.


quite right!

18.01.2002 12:33

All Americans are evil. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, Muhammed Ali, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Noam Chomsky, Jello Biafra, the thousands of anti-war protesters, the Arab-Americans arrested under the Homeland Security Act, all evil. And as for those Native Americans..

In the same way all British people are ruthless imperialists, every one of us personally responsible for the genocidal crimes of the Empire.

It's a shame there aren't any good people in any of these countries. Otherwise there might be some hope!

a nonny mouse


18.01.2002 13:07

A good American is a rare exception rather than the rule. Those against Bush's war are in an extreme minority. On the whole, Americans are an ignorant and arrogant people who, rather than see the truth of their nation that stares them in the face, are in favour of committing genocide for their interests. A recent poll in the Washington Post found that most wanted to use nuclear weapons on Kabul. Now they want to kill all Somalis. America is against justice and liberty and must be brought down not by killing like al-Qaeda but by rejecting all it stands for and all it promotes and destroying its military.


Fight capitalism, not countries

18.01.2002 20:57

Trouble is, if you start making sweeping statements to the effect that Americans are ignorant, arrogant, whatever, it just adds credibility to sweeping statements that all Somalis/Afghans/Yemenis (delete as applicable for the latest enemy of the month) are foaming mouthed fundamentalists.

I suspect you're against capitalism as a system- which America dominates- rather than "the" American people. So it might be helpful to say so.

Julie Burchill

Americans represent militarist capitalism

18.01.2002 23:18

I am against America and Americans. They want this system of oppression, they actively seek violence and oppression for their profit. They stand at the pinacle of the capitalist system, with Europe and Japan at their feet. America needs to be conquered and destroyed so that the world may be free and breathe justice. We need to rid ourselves of the shackles that Americans put on us.

Don't deceive people. Americans are a murderous people and they wish for violence and we must reject their violence and economy. Americans are the barbarians. Americans are the enemy.

That doesn't mean we must kill them for genocide is an American disease. We must reject them and revolt.


Get stuffed!

19.01.2002 13:06

"Genocide is an American disease (sic)" (!)

Ahem, so when the Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic ordered the massacre of 5,000 muslims in Srebrenica back in the summer of 1995, who was it that pressured NATO into air-strikes that lifted the siege of Sarajevo and put an end to the Bosnian war? . . . you guessed it, the American administration.

In Bosnia, far from being advocates for "genocide", the US adopted a consistent policy of active intervention IN FAVOUR of the "muslim" Sarajavo government. Likewise, in March 1999, the US and Britain launched air-strikes against Slobodan Milosevic in order to protect the "muslim" Albanian population of Kosovo. To be honest, I am fairly sceptical about "humanitarian" warfare, but let's at least give credit where credit's due - the US is not necessarily hell-bent on the destruction of all "muslims" and does not pursue some kind of inherently racist foreign policy . . .

By all means criticise the ignorance or racist attitudes of individual Americans, but this cannot apply to the whole country . . . after all, the Black Block (militant anarchists) is perhaps more active in the USA than anywhere else. I thought anti-capitalism was supposed to be anti-racist? Isn't anti-Americanism just another form of racism???

Anarchist Rioter