consultation on wssd - jo'burg
uned | 17.01.2002 12:09
these events tend to need a bit of waking up...
United Nations Environment and Development - UK Committee
A Vision for Our Common Future:
The UK's Contribution to Earth Summit 2002
DATE: TUESDAY 22ND January 2002
TIME: 9am-5pm
United Nations Environment and Development - UK Committee
A Vision for Our Common Future:
The UK's Contribution to Earth Summit 2002
DATE: TUESDAY 22ND January 2002
TIME: 9am-5pm
LOCATION: The Brunei Gallery, SOAS,
Russell Square, London
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Rt. Hon Michael Meacher, UK Environment Minister, Rt. Hon John Gummer MP
+44 (0)20 7839 1784

The World Summit on Sustainable Development, set for Johannesburg this
September, marks 10 years of the implementation and exploration of
sustainable development concepts and programs drawn up since the Rio Summit
in 1992.
On the eve of the first substantive global preparatory meeting before the
Johannesburg Summit, starting 28 January in New York, this conference will
be the last chance for a UK audience to receive direct feedback before
delegates leave to New York.
Keynote speeches by Rt. Hon. John Gummer MP will start the day, ending in a
conclusion by Rt. Hon Michael Meacher, Minister for the Environment.
Interest arising as to how Civil Society influences and ensures the aim of
Sustainable Development, domestically and internationally will also be
addressed, evaluating the work achieved by UNED-UK's various working-groups
on issues such as Biodiversity, Climate Change, Population and
Sustainability, and Sustainable Production and Consumption. How this
interacts with the notion of the UK in the wider world will also be a focus
of the day.
Participation from all levels of British stakeholders, including women's
groups, youth groups trade unions, scientific, industrial and NGO panels
will offer their contributions on the development of their programs, largely
evolving from the Rio Summit and Agenda 21. Speakers include Jonathon
Porritt, Chair UK Sustainable Development Commission, Mike Ashley, Executive
Director Local Government international Bureau, Helen Carey, National
Chairman National Federation of Women's Institutes
United Nations Environment & Development - UK Committee
3 Whitehall Court
London SW1A 2EL
Tel: 020 7839 1784
Fax: 020 7930 5893

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