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Northern Ireland postal strike over death threats

internationalist | 16.01.2002 17:58

Report from Irish American Information Service (via LabourNet UK) on postal workers strike in Northern Ireland against loyalist terrorist death threats, in one case carried through to murder.

Please note, these bastards admit they're killing people simply for being Catholic.

But the postal workers, Protestant/Catholic/whatever are standing together against them. There is hope!

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second report

17.01.2002 11:40

Same story, report from Union Network International:

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northern ireland

18.01.2002 09:48

The strike by all post workers in Northern Ireland is
a positive sign. This has shown that working people are united. I come from Northern Ireland and the reality of life there is much different than reported in mainstream or independent media sources.
Hoodlums and gangsters who are inexorably linked to ALL but a few of the political parties keeping the bigotry bubble floating. The independent party and some other liberals are outside of paramiltary influence but that is it. There is also a sort of acceptance and lack of criticism of the IRA in left wing circles. I know of people who when I was a youth were shot dead for not participating with the IRA's agenda. How come the human rights group Families Against Intimidation and Terror gets so little support from social organisations world wide?
It is fantastic how the media sways the views of people from one group to the other. One moment the prods are the victims the next it is the taigs. The trouble we see on TV is usually confined to small areas and rumours, which are more reliable than media in Northern Ireland, say that the trouble is being stirred up by high up factions on either side. Factions who have always benefited from division in Northern Ireland. Unfortunately nationalism is stil strong in the North and it is easier to get votes for the colour of your flyers than the rhetoric thats written on them. If the indy media wants to help the people of northern ireland it should start holding people like Sinn Fein, DUP, Ulster Unionists, PUP, UDP, SDLP etc. etc. more accountable for their part in this carry on and their links to hoodlum organisations. Northern Ireland folk are no longer surprised when a respectable church going DUP councillor is imprisoned for intimidation and blackmail or a joy rider is kneecapped by a sinn fein member. But the rest of the world might be and if this ongoing intimidation of the northern ireland people, catholic and protestant alike is allowed to continue without the same level of investigation that is applied to the rest of europe it is a shame on those who purport symapthy for us.

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rallies to support NI postal workers

18.01.2002 11:51

Cross-community support for the postal workers is growing.

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has called a half-day strike in protest at all sectarian killings of public service workers, and rallies in support of this action will be held across Northern Ireland.

The peaceful majority from all communities are starting to make their voice heard, through the trade union movement.

Link to BBC report:

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