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J.cHrales | 16.01.2002 16:08

The World War, rather our brief participation in it, has cost the United States some $52,000,000,000. Figure it out. That means $400 to every American man,
woman, and child. And we haven't paid the debt yet. We are paying it, our children will pay it, and our children's children probably still will be paying the cost of that

| K. Heinz IAC Society | Nuad Boran Thai Massage | Ecole Medical Wat Po |

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Nuad Boran ou Thai Traditional Massage

"We are creatures with high touch needs - living in a society with a low touch tolerance." Ancient Thai Massage -- Nuad Bo-Rarn -- is a unique form of body therapy dating back to ancient times, that incorporates elements of gentle rocking, deep stretching, and rhythmic compression to create a unique therapeutic massage experience.  Thai massage is based on a holistic approach that integrates nature with the human body, mind, and spirit.  At the physical level, the focus may be on reducing strain and stiffness, relaxing the entire musculoskeletal system, and stimulating circulation and metabolism.  The main effects of traditional Thai massage are felt at the spiritual level, however.  Being oriented towards prevention, it offers internal balance, calm, and regeneration, as well as harmonization of a strained nervous system.  On the whole, a very pleasant state of relaxation can be achieved.

Quelles sont les origines du massage thailandais? Dans notre société élitiste, le stress est devenu le partenaire indésirable de la population active.
C'était hier encore, vos collègues vous ont "pris la tête", vous aviez mal au dos ou vous ressentiez des brûlures d'estomac. Vous perdez le contrôle, vous n'en pouvez plus : bref, ral-le-bol! Votre corps et votre esprit réclament une pause. Plutôt que de vous gaver de médicaments, retrouvez votre équilibre et libérez-vous de ces tensions et de ces maux qui vous tiraillent grâce à une technique naturelle et efficace : le massage thaï.


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yes, agree, agree, agree, agree

16.01.2002 22:39

Why make one posting on the subject, when four will do. Yes wiar is a racket, we're still paying, yes war is infinitum

dwight heet