Whar is a racket! S Darlington Butler Major General - United States Marine Corps
J. Charles | 16.01.2002 15:51
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
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Est. Democratico.
| Mathematic
| Buerger- Staat.
| Demo-State.
| Verlorene Utopie..
| US War
| Eco. Manif.
| Man of Honor
| Social Contract
12 Essays from J. Charles & K. Heinz
K. Heinz Essay 2001:
“ I am what I am”. I am actually what I want to be. And no one should have in this World the right to refuse anyone to move from one country to another and no democratic nation should request discriminating documentation like a Visa to enter into any other Nation of our common world. The Nation, the land, the borders belongs to now one exempt to the human race, and by implanting this kind of ID and Passports and Visas, it is in fact nothing else the to place a sign on the jacket, like the Jews during the Nazi period has to carry. A usual discrimination of any freeborn human beings. Why some Nation classifies other Nation? Under which rights? But for my own believes on humanity, every intervention in my free born rights, already borders and ID Cards and Passports and in front of it the Visa are human right violations and a relict from the Catholic Church in their worst history, where every one had to carry a letter or the cross. Nothing has changed since then. This also is the contents of many pages in this essay, that in fact if the man Jesus and the first Christians has been a 'social movement' then the Catholic Church as the self appointed follower is the contrary.....
Now, this essay should never be a political essay, but in fact it is do, a historic and subject philosophical essay. Yes, I am a being that cannot be placed in any kind of present forms or norms. Not politically, not socially, not in this human kind made laws and regulations. On the other side, I confirm once again that under my consideration ninety five percent of human kind on this world are so degenerated and bellow the evolution, that I am not surprised to see after each election of a head of state to see them crying on the streets - of joy, not of disappointment. If humankind is so depending on more and more law and regulation, which means more and more power to the rulers, so they should not be surprised to be left behind all human kind evolution... It has been my son Teddy at the age of 17 who provided me with the key, which I searched since years, to open the door and leave all heat waves and boiling vengeance behind me. . . .
K. Heinz Essay 2001:The Political Economic Manifesto. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
... The antithesis of rich an poor, of happy and unhappy, of oppressors and oppressed is not something accidental which can easily be put on one side as was believed by the enthusiasts of justice. Still further it is a fact of necessary correlation, once granted the directing principle of the present form of production which makes the wageworker a necessity. This necessity is double. Capital can only take possession of production by converting laborers into proletarians and it cannot continue to live, to be fruitful, to accumulate, to multiply itself and to transform itself except on the condition of paying wages to those who it has made proletarians........It is a long step also from the proletarian movement which succumbed in 1848 to the present proletarian movement which through great difficulties after having re-appeared on the political scene has developed with continuity and deliberation. Until a few years ago this regularity of the forward march of the proletariat was observed and admired only in Germany. The social democracy there had normally increased as upon its own field (from the Workingmen's Conference of Nuremberg, 1868, to our day.) But since then the same phenomenon has asserted itself in other countries, under various forms.
Bin Laden Usama,(This Essay has been written before the US Attack and is under no circumstance related to the accusation made by the USA, nor does the Author support any kind of Terrorism, in what name so ever. Peace and Freedom and liberty for free citizen, clearly expressed in his Philosophical Essay)
"Allah ordered us in this religion to purify Muslim land of all non-believers… After World War II, the Americans became more aggressive and oppressive, especially in the Muslim world. American history does not distinguish between civilians and military, and not even women and children. They are the ones who used the bombs against Nagasaki. Can these bombs distinguish between infants and military? America does not have a religion that will prevent it from destroying all people.":
The New Powder Keg in The Middle East
Biography:Name: Usamah Bin Mohammad Bin LadenBorn in the city of Riyadh 1377 ah, 1957 ac.
Raised in AlMadina AlMunawwara and Hijaz, and received his education in the schools of Jedda, then studied management and economics in King Abdul Aziz University in Jedda. Married with Children. His outlook: The way of the people of Sunna and Jama'a in accordance with the understanding of the righteous predecessors, in total and in detail. From this emerges the necessity for armed struggle preceded by Da'wa and military preparation in order to repel the greater Kufr, and to cooperate with Muslims in order to unite their word under the banner of monotheism, and to set aside divisions and differences.He began his interaction with the Islamic groups in 1393 ah (1973 ac) and continued with this until the commencement of Jihad in Afghanistan; he also participated, in the beginning of the eighties, with the Mujahideen against the Communist party in South Yemen, participating once again in the nineties until the downfall of the Communist party.He established alongside Sheikh Dr Abdullah Azzam - May Allah bless his soul - the office for Mujahideen services in Peshawar; he also established along with Sheikh Azzam the Sidda camp for the training of Arab Mujahideen who came for Jihad in Afghanistan. His first visit to assist the Afghan Mujahideen was after the entry of the Russians by a few days in 1399 ah (1979 ac); he established "Ma`sadat AlAnsar" which was a base for Arab Mujahideen in Afghanistan. In 1406 ah (1986 ac) he participated in the battles of Jalalabad with the Arab Mujahideen as he also did in 1409 ah (1989 ac) which was one of the biggest battles, which the Arabs engaged in, in Afghanistan. He migrated from the Arabian peninsula on 16 Shawwal 1411 ah (1991 ac), then he was asked by the Saudi government to return, however he refused, so they withdrew his citizenship, cancelled his passport, froze his assets, and then attacked him through the media by defaming his character both inside and outside Saudi Arabia.
He currently resides in Afghanistan, and has directed a call to the Muslims throughout the world to declare a Jihad against the Judao - Christian alliance that is occupying Islamic sacred land in Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula.".
A5, 196 pages
J. Charles: 'Ben Laden Usama': CHF 99.00
El Estado Democrático Crítica de la soberanía burguesa, Available in English, German and French
El Estado Democrático
Crítica de la soberanía burguesa:
El pueblo. Los derechos fundamentals:
Andar preocupándose por el éxito de la política y juzgar los objetivos de la misma midiéndolos en base a ilusiones, ideales u otros criterios que sólo existen en las mentes de algunos pensadores, en eso consiste una teoría burguesa del Estado.
Recomendarle encarecidamente a un público ávido de saber en qué debe pensar y cómo ha de pensar acerca de ello que se haga cargo de las preocupaciones de los políticos, en eso reside la contribución de la Prensa a las ideas políticas de los ciudadanos. Y la única pregunta que se supone que éstos últimos se planteen -independientemente de qué cuestión nacional se trate, ya sea de la economía, lospreparativos de guerra o la falta de valores en la sociedad-, es: ¿quién, en vista de los problemas nacionales, es el mejor político? En esto reside la contribución de los ciudadanos al sistema.
Personas que mantienen una actitud tan devota hacia el Estado - venga la misma adornada o no con "reflexiones críticas" o bien con "datos sobre los antecedentes del caso"-, considerarán, sin duda alguna, un libro que no hace más que exponer los objetivos y la razón de ser del Estado "moderno" como un libro muy limitado o, simplemente, como demasiado "abstracto y teórico".
A5, 196 pages
K. Heinz: 'Crítica de la soberanía burguesa': CHF 49.00
Moneylaundering and Conman are always one family!, 'Man of Honors'
K. Heinz:Governments, Moneylaundering and Conmans are always one family.Germany, the laundryman's dreamland?:
Dr. H. Kohl, ex German Chancellor, 'Man of many faces'. Dr. Winfried Maier, ex Public Prosecutor in Augsburg, Germany. 'Schmiergeldzahlungen' with CDU arm deals. Holger Pfahl, ex State Secretary of Defense in Germany, wanted for arm dealing and supposed to be hidden in Singapore. 3, 8 Millions from Saudi Arabia to Germany for Fuchspanzer (Tanks)
Public Prosecuter from Augsburg, Dr. Maier statement: " For ordered crime reports or investigation I am not willing to sign such documents." (He lost is job as prosecutor and investigator and is now Family Judge). 'Money Laundering a la Germany". Only comments from Mr. Nemetz, Chief investigator in Augsburg: " An hearing of the ex Chancellor Kohl would be a show and the office of the Public Prosecutor is not established for a show, but to 'investigate in accordance with the German Law'! Schreiber the ex German Secret Agent turned arm dealer, exiled in Canada, Minister Schaeuble and the Bavarian final game a la Strauss…Germanys biggest arm deals during Kohl's time as Chancellor. Politic and Justice. Karl-Heinz Schreiber, from ex German Secret Agent to Germanys 'Super Arm Dealer' and Financier of the Christians political wings. The 'fake true' Passport issued by an German Embassy to help to escape an ex German Secret Agent now International wanted Money Launderer and Arm dealer. Werner Stoehlein, BND, Germanys International Information Service (like the NSA) old and good friend of Karl Heinz Schreiber. The connection between the International wanted Arm dealer and Money Launderer K. Heinz Schreiber, financier of the CDU and Kohl has been well known in the circle of the German Government. Elf-Aquitaine, Leuna and why Kohl ordered the case to be dealed in his head office. Is the BND (the German counterpart of NSA or the French DST) in the center of all Official German Money Laundering and arm deals?CDU Leisler Kiep, Schreiber, Pfahl and even K. Heinz Schreiber all had the necessary connection to the BND. Erisch Schmidt-Eenboon a German Secret Service Expert:" It is amazing and strange that a normal Landes Minister Leisler Kiep knows the BND Station Manager in Washington and get involved with his party to promote the German Secret Station Manager in Washington. Minister Leisler Kieps intervention for the BND Collaborator Blum to arrange a promotion, classification A 6 trough the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Blum, firstly acting as BND Station Manager in Washington becomes later President of the well known BND.A strange fact, that all persons involved in Money Laundering and arm dealing had connection with the BND, has been employed by the BND and placed via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs into top locations. 50 Million DEM a Dieter Holzer, to arranged the deal between Elf and Leuna. Dieter Holzer has been a BND Agent.
The International Fraternity of Money Laundering.
Werner Stroehlein, BND Station Manager in Central America, later in charge at the Service Secret HQ Pullach, Ref. 11 A 'against organized Criminality'. Werner Stroehlein is now on the run and certainly hidden somewhere in South America. The 'Octagon Trust' in Liechtenstein, Schaan, exist since the Gestapo used the trust as arm dealing center. Later on, Millions from the profit has been delivered to the Christian Democratic Party and again the BND. (Germans Secret Service) (IN -Konkret 03/2000)The Octagon Trust and his private Bankers: J. Baer and 'Von Tobel' Rudolf Ruscheweyh and Hans Klein, the Money Launderer of Nazi Funds and Pierre Laval in Switzerland. Ludwig Holger Pfahl: Prosecutor in Munich, Office manager of the late F. Joseph Strauss, one of the must known figure in Germanys after war history, President of the BFS, Secret Service for Internal Affairs, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, manager of Daimler Benz. A modern R. Kimble. 'Wanted' by the German Justice for arm deals and money laundering, bribery and corruption, last time seen in 'Taiwan' is as fare the Author knows in ( ...... ) with a brand new passport delivered from a German Embassy.
A5, 879 pages
J. Charles: 'Moneylaundering and Conmans are always one family: 'Man of Honor' 1999': CHF 149.00
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