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Anyone know what has happened to GA?

Stuart Marchmont | 15.01.2002 23:22

Does anyone out there know what the latest is on the Green Anarchist magazine split?

Does anyone out there know what the latest is on the Green Anarchist magazine split? Last I read was a newsletter sent out after S-11? Any developments?

Stuart Marchmont
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Will the real Green Anarchist please stand up

16.01.2002 10:57

Apparently both factions are still printing the magazine, both under the name of Green Anarchist just to confuse the rest of us. Here's the main differences are between the 2 factions:

Green Anarchist #1
(Steve Booth, Larry O'Hara etc)
9 Ash Avenue, Galgate, Lancaster, LA2 ONP

No longer Primitivist with a capital P, more radical green populist. Up to issue 63. Nowadays they seem to be mostly Green Party "localise it" types (the main reason behind the split was that Booth was becoming more reformist - the Penthouse controversy seems to have just been the final straw for both parties), with a bit of rhetoric about militancy that makes them sound all dangerous and underground. The last newsletter said that all taxes should go to local communities instead of the central government and the EU. I mean come on! Anarchists in favour of taxation? I thought we were for the abolition of money! Not to completely diss the magazine, because it's still pretty good in places, so hopefully they'll get the new one out soon.

Green Anarchist #2
(Paul Rogers, John Connor etc)
BCM 1715, London, WC1N 3XX

Still officially primitivist as far as I know. Apparently up to issue 65 but I haven't seen it myself.

More information at these posts from the (sadly now defunct) anarchy/primitivism discussion board:

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