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hackney Councillor Pied

one_in_the_face | 15.01.2002 15:07

This morning saw Cllr. Jules Pipe, Leader of Hackney’s Labour Council hit in the face with a large carrot cake.

[Hackney NOT 4 Sale  have just received the following action report...]

Tuesday 15th Jan. 2002


This morning saw Cllr. Jules Pipe, Leader of Hackney’s Labour Council hit in
the face with a large carrot cake. The woman who threw the cake approached him
in the street saying that she had a message for him from some Hackney
residents, she then threw the pie and said “That, is for your involvement in
the selling off of Hackney”.

Jules Pipe had just finished attending a publicity call in Stoke Newington. He
was joining Lord Falconer, he of the millenium dome fiasco and minister for
housing and regeneration, for a tree planting organised by local residents
was part of the ‘changing streets’ initiative which encourages people to take
action to turn their streets into places they would like it to be. Okay that
doesn’t sound too bad  and that was not what the protest today was about.

The irony of Jules Pipe attending today’s event is that while he schmoozes
minsiters and smiles for the camera, he and the rest of the Labour council are
hell bent on destroying not only Hackney streets, but essential services,
council workers jobs and Hackney itself. They have continually voted for
millions of pounds worth of savage cuts some of which have taken place already
with millions and millions more in cuts planned for this year and years to
come. Jules Pipe and his Labour government are in the process of closing down
and selling off adventure playgrounds, youth clubs, elderly peoples centres,
Citizens Advice Bureaux, community and welfare centres, hundreds of houses,
yes, more nurseries. The disposals lists are a shockingly comprehensive and a
depressing attack on the people of Hackney. 

Jules Pipe and the rest of his cronies should be held accountable and central
government should be forced to drop Hackney’s debt immediately before Hackney
is completely destroyed.

Enough is enough!



Flinging food into the face of public figures has become very popular in the
past few years, undoubtedly due in part to the inspiration of the Biotic
Brigade, a global group who dish out just deserts to those who abuse their
power. See:

At the same time as shocking the recipients out of their complacency, it is
often seen as an amusingly effective way of deflating the egos of people in
power and making them, their actions and their policies more visible and
therefore more accountable to more people.
Recent recipients of food flinging include, Tony Blair, Clare Short, Bill
Gates, Nick Brown, and my personal favourite Frank Loy, U.S. negotiator at the
UN climate talks in the Hague.

Back in November two Hackney women took a similar action against Guy
Nichollson, head of Hackney's regenreation committee. The women involved in
today's action Agent, Just Deserts, is also part of the London cell of the

*Sadly we do not have any photos of the above incident.

For background information on Hackney check out:
(check out Hackney subsection link on front page)



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  1. Way to go — sceptic